Trend: Measuring physiological responses–including brain activity–to design stimulating, “conscious” cities


Stanley Park, Vancouver. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo.


The hidden ways that architecture affects how you feel: An era of “neuro-architecture” (BBC Future)

“We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us,” mused Winston Churchill in 1943 while considering the repair of the bomb-ravaged House of Commons. More than 70 years on, he would doubtless be pleased to learn that neuroscientists and psychologists have found plenty of evidence to back him up…

Last month, the Conscious Ci…


Stanley Park, Vancouver. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo.


The hidden ways that architecture affects how you feel: An era of “neuro-architecture” (BBC Future)

“We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us,” mused Winston Churchill in 1943 while considering the repair of the bomb-ravaged House of Commons. More than 70 years on, he would doubtless be pleased to learn that neuroscientists and psychologists have found plenty of evidence to back him up…

Last month, the Conscious Ci…

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