Update: The placebo effect works even when people know they are taking a placebo

Source: https://sharpbrains.com/blog/2020/08/27/update-the-placebo-effect-works-even-when-people-know-they-are-taking-a-placebo/

Welcome to a new edition of SharpBrains’ e‑newsletter, featuring 14 research findings, resources and tips for brain health … and starting with this fascinating study:

#1. Wow. The placebo effect works even when people know they are taking a placebo

#2. Beating Alzheimer’s Disease will require a combined physical/ mental approach: From the ten factors found to increase AD risk in the most comprehe…

Source: https://sharpbrains.com/blog/2020/08/27/update-the-placebo-effect-works-even-when-people-know-they-are-taking-a-placebo/

Welcome to a new edition of SharpBrains’ e‑newsletter, featuring 14 research findings, resources and tips for brain health … and starting with this fascinating study:

#1. Wow. The placebo effect works even when people know they are taking a placebo

#2. Beating Alzheimer’s Disease will require a combined physical/ mental approach: From the ten factors found to increase AD risk in the most comprehe…

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