Was fiscal year 2013 our unlucky number?

Source: http://www.nia.nih.gov/research/blog/2013/10/was-fiscal-year-2013-our-unlucky-number

We just wrapped up the fiscal year. The quick summary? We scraped through. For research project grants like R01s, we held our payline (or funding line) to the same level as the prior two years. This is what we promised in the funding policy back in May, and I’m really happy to report that we kept that commitment….

Source: http://www.nia.nih.gov/research/blog/2013/10/was-fiscal-year-2013-our-unlucky-number

We just wrapped up the fiscal year. The quick summary? We scraped through. For research project grants like R01s, we held our payline (or funding line) to the same level as the prior two years. This is what we promised in the funding policy back in May, and I’m really happy to report that we kept that commitment….

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