What Parents of Young Athletes Need to Know About Concussion Recovery

Source: http://www.brainhealtheducation.org/what-parents-of-young-athletes-need-to-know-about-concussion-recovery/

Quality sleep is key for all kids and teens, as it helps their developing brains and bodies function properly. Researchers found that young athletes with good sleep quality were more likely to recover from a sport-related concussion within two weeks, while those with poor sleep quality tended to take 30 days or more to fully

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Source: http://www.brainhealtheducation.org/what-parents-of-young-athletes-need-to-know-about-concussion-recovery/

Quality sleep is key for all kids and teens, as it helps their developing brains and bodies function properly. Researchers found that young athletes with good sleep quality were more likely to recover from a sport-related concussion within two weeks, while those with poor sleep quality tended to take 30 days or more to fully

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