WHO Disappoints: The Missed Opportunity of the World Health Organization Guidelines for Preventing Dementia

Source: https://totalbrainhealth.com/who-disappoints-the-missed-opportunity-of-the-world-health-organization-guidelines-for-preventing-dementia/

WHO Disappoints: The Missed Opportunity of the World Health Organization Guidelines for Preventing Dementia

It is safe to say that prevention is one of the few areas of dementia research that have seen significant recent scientific advancement. The opportunity to provide evidence-based guidance on steps we can take to potentially lower risk for significant memory disorders has meaningfully increased, even as progress in other areas such as early detection and pharmacological treatments has been set back.

Moreover, the interventions shown to reduce dementia risk jive with findings in other areas of health promotion, such as cardiac fitness, overall well-being and successful aging. These include regular physical activity, managing chronic medical conditions and staying socially connected, among …

Source: https://totalbrainhealth.com/who-disappoints-the-missed-opportunity-of-the-world-health-organization-guidelines-for-preventing-dementia/

WHO Disappoints: The Missed Opportunity of the World Health Organization Guidelines for Preventing Dementia

It is safe to say that prevention is one of the few areas of dementia research that have seen significant recent scientific advancement. The opportunity to provide evidence-based guidance on steps we can take to potentially lower risk for significant memory disorders has meaningfully increased, even as progress in other areas such as early detection and pharmacological treatments has been set back.

Moreover, the interventions shown to reduce dementia risk jive with findings in other areas of health promotion, such as cardiac fitness, overall well-being and successful aging. These include regular physical activity, managing chronic medical conditions and staying socially connected, among …

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