Why do people with Alzheimer’s stop recognizing their loved ones?

Source: http://womensbrainhealth.org/think-outside-the-box/why-do-people-with-alzheimers-stop-recognizing-their-loved-ones

by University of Montreal: Alzheimer’s not only steals people’s memories but also their ability to recognize faces, which widens the gulf between people with this disease and their loved ones. A recent study has demonstrated that, beyond causing memory problems,……

Source: http://womensbrainhealth.org/think-outside-the-box/why-do-people-with-alzheimers-stop-recognizing-their-loved-ones

by University of Montreal: Alzheimer’s not only steals people’s memories but also their ability to recognize faces, which widens the gulf between people with this disease and their loved ones. A recent study has demonstrated that, beyond causing memory problems,……

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