Why The Opioid Epidemic Impacts More Women Than Men

Source: http://womensbrainhealth.org/think-twice/why-the-opioid-epidemic-impacts-more-women-than-men

by Heather Boyd for Huffington Post: Approximately 50 million American women live with pain associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, chronic migraine headaches and other chronic pain conditions. Women are also more likely than men to suffer from more……

Source: http://womensbrainhealth.org/think-twice/why-the-opioid-epidemic-impacts-more-women-than-men

by Heather Boyd for Huffington Post: Approximately 50 million American women live with pain associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, chronic migraine headaches and other chronic pain conditions. Women are also more likely than men to suffer from more……

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