Why we need to extend our mental lifespans to match our physical ones

Source: https://sharpbrains.com/blog/2019/05/20/why-we-need-to-extend-our-mental-lifespans-to-match-our-physical-ones/


‘Beep!’ This is one of the most maddening computer games I’ve ever played. I’m tracking a flock of birds, and when I hit the right one, it explodes with a satisfying ‘phutt’. But as I get better at spotting them, the birds scatter ever more wildly across the screen, and I hear that unforgiving ‘beep’: you missed.

Frankly, I feel like giving up. But many players don’t dare. For this is HawkEye, a brain-training program that claims it can sharpen my brain beyond simply getting faster at mouse-clicking. Trials have found that older people who play enough hours of this particular kind of game have fewer car crashes — and even, apparently, a lower risk of dementia …  Keep reading article <a href="https://spectator.us/train-brain-keep-mind-young/" t…

Source: https://sharpbrains.com/blog/2019/05/20/why-we-need-to-extend-our-mental-lifespans-to-match-our-physical-ones/


‘Beep!’ This is one of the most maddening computer games I’ve ever played. I’m tracking a flock of birds, and when I hit the right one, it explodes with a satisfying ‘phutt’. But as I get better at spotting them, the birds scatter ever more wildly across the screen, and I hear that unforgiving ‘beep’: you missed.

Frankly, I feel like giving up. But many players don’t dare. For this is HawkEye, a brain-training program that claims it can sharpen my brain beyond simply getting faster at mouse-clicking. Trials have found that older people who play enough hours of this particular kind of game have fewer car crashes — and even, apparently, a lower risk of dementia …  Keep reading article <a href="https://spectator.us/train-brain-keep-mind-young/" t…

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