How Safe Is Your Tattoo Ink?


tattoo needle

Before you get that dolphin tattooed on your ankle or "Mom" on your bicep, be warned: The ink used in tattoos may be harmful — even years later.


tattoo needle

Before you get that dolphin tattooed on your ankle or "Mom" on your bicep, be warned: The ink used in tattoos may be harmful — even years later.

Use of Clinical Preventive Services and Prevalence of Health Risk Factors Among Adults Aged 50–64


This is the first publication in a series tracking national and state-level data on the use of preventive services and the prevalence of risk factors among adults aged 50 to 64….


This is the first publication in a series tracking national and state-level data on the use of preventive services and the prevalence of risk factors among adults aged 50 to 64….

Traumatic Brain Injury


Dr. Koroshetz discusses traumatic brain injury and tells listeners about symptoms to look out for and when to seek medical attention….


Dr. Koroshetz discusses traumatic brain injury and tells listeners about symptoms to look out for and when to seek medical attention….

Association of Omega-3 DHA With Cerebral Amyloidosis in Alzheimer’s


Higher dietary intake of DHA has been associated with better cognitive performance in several epidemiological studies. Animal and in vitro studies also indicate that DHA prevents amyloid deposition in the brain. Cross-sectional analysis of serum DHA levels together with measures of amyloid deposition (Pittsburgh Compound B index) on amyloid PET scan, brain volumes, and neuropsychological

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Higher dietary intake of DHA has been associated with better cognitive performance in several epidemiological studies. Animal and in vitro studies also indicate that DHA prevents amyloid deposition in the brain. Cross-sectional analysis of serum DHA levels together with measures of amyloid deposition (Pittsburgh Compound B index) on amyloid PET scan, brain volumes, and neuropsychological

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NIA interim payline update


We have been here before. The continuing resolution provides some research funds—not a lot though. Like a ticking clock it winds down on January 15. And our backdrop is a familiar debate on Capitol Hill about appropriations. Maybe it will end with better NIA and NIH numbers than last year. Or maybe not. We posted our interim funding policy. Really there is only one option in setting paylines, or funding lines, for grants at this time. We must be conservative….


We have been here before. The continuing resolution provides some research funds—not a lot though. Like a ticking clock it winds down on January 15. And our backdrop is a familiar debate on Capitol Hill about appropriations. Maybe it will end with better NIA and NIH numbers than last year. Or maybe not. We posted our interim funding policy. Really there is only one option in setting paylines, or funding lines, for grants at this time. We must be conservative….

The True Cost of EpiPen Coupons



Facing public outrage over the price of its EpiPen auto-injectors, the drug company Mylan announced Thursday it was taking action to make the product more affordable.



Facing public outrage over the price of its EpiPen auto-injectors, the drug company Mylan announced Thursday it was taking action to make the product more affordable.

Reproducibility: Another bureaucratic speed bump?


So you thought your science was already rigorous and reproducible…
Last fall, NIH released new guidelines for implementing rigor and transparency in research project grants. Applications for research grants and mentored career development awards submitted in 2016 must include information on scientific rigor and reproducibility. What’s going on?…


So you thought your science was already rigorous and reproducible…
Last fall, NIH released new guidelines for implementing rigor and transparency in research project grants. Applications for research grants and mentored career development awards submitted in 2016 must include information on scientific rigor and reproducibility. What’s going on?…

Why The Opioid Epidemic Impacts More Women Than Men


by Heather Boyd for Huffington Post: Approximately 50 million American women live with pain associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, chronic migraine headaches and other chronic pain conditions. Women are also more likely than men to suffer from more……


by Heather Boyd for Huffington Post: Approximately 50 million American women live with pain associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, chronic migraine headaches and other chronic pain conditions. Women are also more likely than men to suffer from more……

Without Action, Alzheimer’s Will Overwhelm Federal Budget by 2050 – Part II


This is part two of a three-part series on the need to act decisively to address the Alzheimer’s crisis. Part one reviewed the fiscal imperative to address the Alzheimer’s crisis, while part three reveals public opinion on the need for government to act.

The Research Imperative

The federal government has taken several important steps in recent years to address this looming crisis. The National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA), passed unanimously by Congress in December 2010 and signed into law by President Barack Obama in January 2011, mandated a national strategic plan to address the crisis and coordinate Alzheimer’s disease efforts across the federal government. First released in 2012, the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease set a clear goal: “prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by …


This is part two of a three-part series on the need to act decisively to address the Alzheimer’s crisis. Part one reviewed the fiscal imperative to address the Alzheimer’s crisis, while part three reveals public opinion on the need for government to act.

The Research Imperative

The federal government has taken several important steps in recent years to address this looming crisis. The National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA), passed unanimously by Congress in December 2010 and signed into law by President Barack Obama in January 2011, mandated a national strategic plan to address the crisis and coordinate Alzheimer’s disease efforts across the federal government. First released in 2012, the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease set a clear goal: “prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by …

Concussion And TBI Dominate Hospitalizations From Stroller And Baby Carrier Injuries


A recent study shows more than 17,000 young children end up in the ER each year as a result of strollers and infant carriers (both baby-wearing carriers and the kind that build upper arm muscle when switching between a stroller and a car seat). Brain injuries made up 79% of the carrier-related injuries and 65% of the

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A recent study shows more than 17,000 young children end up in the ER each year as a result of strollers and infant carriers (both baby-wearing carriers and the kind that build upper arm muscle when switching between a stroller and a car seat). Brain injuries made up 79% of the carrier-related injuries and 65% of the

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