Garlicky Homemade Croutons


Garlicky Homemade Croutons

Who could say no to toasty and savory little bites of bread!? Not us. Flavorful, crunchy croutons are always a welcome addition to soups and salads, and they also happen to be SO quick and easy to make at home! 

Once you give these homemade croutons a taste, we’re sure you’ll be putting them on everything, or just eating them right off the baking sheet.

Garlicky Homemade Croutons from Minimalist Baker →


Garlicky Homemade Croutons

Who could say no to toasty and savory little bites of bread!? Not us. Flavorful, crunchy croutons are always a welcome addition to soups and salads, and they also happen to be SO quick and easy to make at home! 

Once you give these homemade croutons a taste, we’re sure you’ll be putting them on everything, or just eating them right off the baking sheet.

Garlicky Homemade Croutons from Minimalist Baker →

SENS Research Foundation Annual Reports for 2022


The SENS Research Foundation has published its annual reports for 2022, for those interested. SENS, the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, is both (a) a laundry list of forms of cell and tissue damage that cause aging, with supporting evidence from the past century of scientific research into aging, and (b) a laundry list methods of intervention that should produce rejuvenation. Aging is damage accumulation, and rejuvenation is repair of that damage.

Funding for SENS programs, and initiatives to produce therapies based on the SENS view of damage repair, remain as relevant as ever. In fact, even more relevant now than was the case in the early 2000s, given the extens…


The SENS Research Foundation has published its annual reports for 2022, for those interested. SENS, the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, is both (a) a laundry list of forms of cell and tissue damage that cause aging, with supporting evidence from the past century of scientific research into aging, and (b) a laundry list methods of intervention that should produce rejuvenation. Aging is damage accumulation, and rejuvenation is repair of that damage.

Funding for SENS programs, and initiatives to produce therapies based on the SENS view of damage repair, remain as relevant as ever. In fact, even more relevant now than was the case in the early 2000s, given the extens…

Creamy Tuscan White Bean & Kale Soup (1 Pot!)


Creamy Tuscan White Bean & Kale Soup (1 Pot!)

Friends, it’s no secret we love soup, and this creamy Tuscan-inspired version with white beans and kale is our new favorite for fall and winter! It’s hearty, warming, comforting, SO flavorful, and packed with nourishing veggies and fiber-rich beans. Basically, a hug in a bowl.

It’s ideal for meal prep or freezing and comes together easily in just 1 pot! While satisfying on its own, we also love it with Vegan Garlic Bread, Spicy Tempeh Sausage, or Pesto “Parmesan” Turkey Meatballs.

<a href="https:/…


Creamy Tuscan White Bean & Kale Soup (1 Pot!)

Friends, it’s no secret we love soup, and this creamy Tuscan-inspired version with white beans and kale is our new favorite for fall and winter! It’s hearty, warming, comforting, SO flavorful, and packed with nourishing veggies and fiber-rich beans. Basically, a hug in a bowl.

It’s ideal for meal prep or freezing and comes together easily in just 1 pot! While satisfying on its own, we also love it with Vegan Garlic Bread, Spicy Tempeh Sausage, or Pesto “Parmesan” Turkey Meatballs.

<a href="https:/…

Aging Diminishes Mucociliary Clearance of the Lung


Countless processes operating in the body progressively fail with age, each one an inconvenience at the outset, and many turning from that to an ultimately fatal reduction in vital capabilities over the decades of later life. The defense against pathogens offered by innate immune functions, including generation of mucus to trap and expel pathogens, holds up relatively well with advancing age, in comparison to many organs, but it is nonetheless is reduced in capacity with age. Researchers note here that the mucosal systems of the lung suffer detrimental changes with aging, with the consequence of increased vulnerability to inhaled pathogens and particles.

The lung is exposed to a myriad of substances with every breath we take. To protect itself from pollutants, dust, particulate matter,…


Countless processes operating in the body progressively fail with age, each one an inconvenience at the outset, and many turning from that to an ultimately fatal reduction in vital capabilities over the decades of later life. The defense against pathogens offered by innate immune functions, including generation of mucus to trap and expel pathogens, holds up relatively well with advancing age, in comparison to many organs, but it is nonetheless is reduced in capacity with age. Researchers note here that the mucosal systems of the lung suffer detrimental changes with aging, with the consequence of increased vulnerability to inhaled pathogens and particles.

The lung is exposed to a myriad of substances with every breath we take. To protect itself from pollutants, dust, particulate matter,…

Influenza Vaccination Correlates with Modestly Lower Risk of Stroke


Following on from a recent study that suggested undergoing yearly vaccination for influenza can greatly reduce Alzheimer’s risk, researchers here show that influenza vaccination correlates with a lower risk of stroke. The mechanisms of interest behind both of these correlations seem likely to revolve around chronic inflammation, an important factor in both the growth of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels and the onset and progression of neurodegenerative condi…


Following on from a recent study that suggested undergoing yearly vaccination for influenza can greatly reduce Alzheimer’s risk, researchers here show that influenza vaccination correlates with a lower risk of stroke. The mechanisms of interest behind both of these correlations seem likely to revolve around chronic inflammation, an important factor in both the growth of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels and the onset and progression of neurodegenerative condi…

El sol de verano y la piel de las personas mayores


El cuidado de la piel de las personas mayores es especialmente importante cuando el sol pega fuerte en verano. Aquí hay algunos consejos sobre cómo conocer mejor la piel de las personas mayores.

The post El sol de verano y la piel de las personas mayores appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.


El cuidado de la piel de las personas mayores es especialmente importante cuando el sol pega fuerte en verano. Aquí hay algunos consejos sobre cómo conocer mejor la piel de las personas mayores.

The post El sol de verano y la piel de las personas mayores appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.

Unhealthy Lifestyle and Childhood Adversity Correlated with Phenotypic Age Acceleration


The epidemiological study noted here makes use of phenotypic age, a simple biomarker-based aging clock. The calculation used to derive a phenotypic age based on common biomarkers can be in the methods section of the paper, for those interested. It is a mortality-related calculation, and a higher phenotypic age is presumed to indicate a greater risk of age-related disease and death. Where phenotypic age is greater than chronological age, this may represent a faster pace of aging in that individual, as is the case for epigenetic clocks and epigenetic age acceleration.

The conclusion reached in the study here is that unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as becoming overweight, mediate much …


The epidemiological study noted here makes use of phenotypic age, a simple biomarker-based aging clock. The calculation used to derive a phenotypic age based on common biomarkers can be in the methods section of the paper, for those interested. It is a mortality-related calculation, and a higher phenotypic age is presumed to indicate a greater risk of age-related disease and death. Where phenotypic age is greater than chronological age, this may represent a faster pace of aging in that individual, as is the case for epigenetic clocks and epigenetic age acceleration.

The conclusion reached in the study here is that unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as becoming overweight, mediate much …

In the Matter of Human Longevity There Will Be Opportunists and Alchemists


I suspect that a sizable, earnest community of opportunists and alchemists focused on anti-aging and longevity will continue to exist even as we transition from an era in which the only approaches to aging (beyond exercise and calorie restriction) were snake oil, the only service providers frauds, to an era in which therapies to slow aging and produce rejuvenation actually exist and are robustly proven to do what they say on the label. Will reliable, low-cost ways to measure biological age drive out the true believers who try whatever intervention is hyped, fail to gain scientific understanding, and fail to use adequate measures of success, living …


I suspect that a sizable, earnest community of opportunists and alchemists focused on anti-aging and longevity will continue to exist even as we transition from an era in which the only approaches to aging (beyond exercise and calorie restriction) were snake oil, the only service providers frauds, to an era in which therapies to slow aging and produce rejuvenation actually exist and are robustly proven to do what they say on the label. Will reliable, low-cost ways to measure biological age drive out the true believers who try whatever intervention is hyped, fail to gain scientific understanding, and fail to use adequate measures of success, living …

Meet the Trainer: Michelle Sanchez


Michelle Sanchez, technology trainer for Senior Planet in NYC, talks about her work, her heritage, and the Spanish Club.

The post Meet the Trainer: Michelle Sanchez appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.


Michelle Sanchez, technology trainer for Senior Planet in NYC, talks about her work, her heritage, and the Spanish Club.

The post Meet the Trainer: Michelle Sanchez appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.

Toxic Positivity: 10 Things Not to Say When Someone Is Feeling Down


“When you can’t look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark.” ~Unknown

It’s hard and uncomfortable to sit with pain, our own or someone else’s.

We don’t like to see people hurting, especially people we love, because we instinctively want to make them feel better, and we feel powerless if we think we can’t.

We feel like we have to do something. We have to say something. We have to somehow pull them out of the darkness—and we often try to do this by dousing them with light.

We do this to ourselves as well, and it’s painfully invalidating.

“Look on the bright side!” we might say, …


“When you can’t look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark.” ~Unknown

It’s hard and uncomfortable to sit with pain, our own or someone else’s.

We don’t like to see people hurting, especially people we love, because we instinctively want to make them feel better, and we feel powerless if we think we can’t.

We feel like we have to do something. We have to say something. We have to somehow pull them out of the darkness—and we often try to do this by dousing them with light.

We do this to ourselves as well, and it’s painfully invalidating.

“Look on the bright side!” we might say, …

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