Is Peanut Butter Keto? Usually, but Here’s How to Tell


Ah, peanut butter. Could healthy fats and protein come in a dreamier spread? There’s no doubt that PB is delish AF, but can you eat it if you’re on a ketogenic diet? Here’s the lowdown on peanut butter and keto.

Is peanut butter keto-friendly?

Yep! Peeps following a keto diet can totally enjoy peanut butter. But it’s important to stick with natural, unsweetened PB and be mindful of your portion sizes to maintain ketosis.

Lots of manufactured peanut butter products contain added sugars, which increase the carb content. It’s a good idea to check the nutrition label to find the right one for you.

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Ah, peanut butter. Could healthy fats and protein come in a dreamier spread? There’s no doubt that PB is delish AF, but can you eat it if you’re on a ketogenic diet? Here’s the lowdown on peanut butter and keto.

Is peanut butter keto-friendly?

Yep! Peeps following a keto diet can totally enjoy peanut butter. But it’s important to stick with natural, unsweetened PB and be mindful of your portion sizes to maintain ketosis.

Lots of manufactured peanut butter products contain added sugars, which increase the carb content. It’s a good idea to check the nutrition label to find the right one for you.

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