Southwestern Butternut Squash & Black Bean Breakfast Bowl


Southwestern Butternut Squash & Black Bean Breakfast Bowl

They say it’s the most important meal of the day, and we say it can be the most delicious! This Southwestern-inspired breakfast bowl features smoky enchilada sauce, salty-sweet butternut squash, and satisfying black beans and avocado. Big YUM!

And thanks to protein and fiber-rich black beans it’s (optionally) vegan, or you can add an egg or two for more protein — SO delicious either way!

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Southwestern Butternut Squash & Black Bean Breakfast Bowl

They say it’s the most important meal of the day, and we say it can be the most delicious! This Southwestern-inspired breakfast bowl features smoky enchilada sauce, salty-sweet butternut squash, and satisfying black beans and avocado. Big YUM!

And thanks to protein and fiber-rich black beans it’s (optionally) vegan, or you can add an egg or two for more protein — SO delicious either way!

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How to Clean and Maintain Your Wooden Cutting Board Without Ruining It


There’s nothing quite like a wooden cutting board for adding a touch of class to the meal prep experience. From rustic maple to sleek teak, a sturdy wooden board provides an attractive palette beneath your fruits, veggies, or meats. Plus, wood boards won’t dull your knives and don’t easily harbor harmful bacteria.

But there’s one issue that might be a stumbling block to butcher block: a belief that wooden cutting boards are hard to clean and maintain. Sure, you shouldn’t put them in the dishwasher, but cleaning a wood cutting board isn’t actually hard at all.

Learn how to clean a wooden cutting board and make it last a lifetime with these easy methods.

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There’s nothing quite like a wooden cutting board for adding a touch of class to the meal prep experience. From rustic maple to sleek teak, a sturdy wooden board provides an attractive palette beneath your fruits, veggies, or meats. Plus, wood boards won’t dull your knives and don’t easily harbor harmful bacteria.

But there’s one issue that might be a stumbling block to butcher block: a belief that wooden cutting boards are hard to clean and maintain. Sure, you shouldn’t put them in the dishwasher, but cleaning a wood cutting board isn’t actually hard at all.

Learn how to clean a wooden cutting board and make it last a lifetime with these easy methods.

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Aubrey de Grey Establishes the Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation


Aubrey de Grey, co-founder of the Methuselah Foundation and later the SENS Research Foundation (SRF), funding the latter organization with $13M of his own resources to add to the donations of philanthropists, has over the past year separated from the SRF, for reasons that I intend to neither discuss nor have a public opinion on. Per his presentation at the recent Longevity Summit Dublin, he has now founded the Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation in collaboration with the Ichor Life Sciences principals to continue to bring funding into the programs that he believes need to happen in order to unblock important lines of resear…


Aubrey de Grey, co-founder of the Methuselah Foundation and later the SENS Research Foundation (SRF), funding the latter organization with $13M of his own resources to add to the donations of philanthropists, has over the past year separated from the SRF, for reasons that I intend to neither discuss nor have a public opinion on. Per his presentation at the recent Longevity Summit Dublin, he has now founded the Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation in collaboration with the Ichor Life Sciences principals to continue to bring funding into the programs that he believes need to happen in order to unblock important lines of resear…

When You’re Overwhelmed, Simplify


By Leo Babauta

The feeling of being overwhelmed is extremely common in the people I talk to, and it’s becoming more and more clear to me that this is the default state for most of us.

We’re overwhelmed by it all: all the things we have on our plates, all the interruptions and messages and emails, all the things online and on social media, all the news and chaos of the world, all the things going on in our relationships.

It’s a lot! We can celebrate the abundance of our lives, but often we bemoan it.

The problem isn’t the abundance, but our fear and anxiety about all of it. Actually, for most of us, the fear is that we’ll let people down. We’ll drop one of the many balls we have in the air and let people down … or worse yet, we’ll drop them all and we’ll be exposed as inadequate!

So how do we deal with it? I suggest three practices of simplicity.</…


By Leo Babauta

The feeling of being overwhelmed is extremely common in the people I talk to, and it’s becoming more and more clear to me that this is the default state for most of us.

We’re overwhelmed by it all: all the things we have on our plates, all the interruptions and messages and emails, all the things online and on social media, all the news and chaos of the world, all the things going on in our relationships.

It’s a lot! We can celebrate the abundance of our lives, but often we bemoan it.

The problem isn’t the abundance, but our fear and anxiety about all of it. Actually, for most of us, the fear is that we’ll let people down. We’ll drop one of the many balls we have in the air and let people down … or worse yet, we’ll drop them all and we’ll be exposed as inadequate!

So how do we deal with it? I suggest three practices of simplicity.</…

Inner Thigh Blackheads: Causes, Treatments, and When to See a Doctor


Blackheads on the inner thigh are common and nothing to be ashamed of. They can often be treated with the same methods as facial blackheads. However, if a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is to blame, you may need to talk to a doctor.

Blackheads on your nose are bad enough. But blackheads on your thighs? It just feels cruel. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to treat them.

So if you’re wearing shorts in yoga class and you happen to find pesky pore pustules during your next butterfly pose, fear not! We’ll walk you through some ways to help tame those inner thigh blackheads. 

What causes blackheads on inner thighs?

Zits are totally normal. They occur when dead skin cells mix with oils, sweat, and debris and clog the pores. When this gunk oxidizes (makes contact with air) it can turn black. And voilà! …


Blackheads on the inner thigh are common and nothing to be ashamed of. They can often be treated with the same methods as facial blackheads. However, if a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is to blame, you may need to talk to a doctor.

Blackheads on your nose are bad enough. But blackheads on your thighs? It just feels cruel. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to treat them.

So if you’re wearing shorts in yoga class and you happen to find pesky pore pustules during your next butterfly pose, fear not! We’ll walk you through some ways to help tame those inner thigh blackheads. 

What causes blackheads on inner thighs?

Zits are totally normal. They occur when dead skin cells mix with oils, sweat, and debris and clog the pores. When this gunk oxidizes (makes contact with air) it can turn black. And voilà! …

The “Didn’t Know” Rule


In this short video, Joshua, Ryan, and T.K. talk about their new minimalism rule for getting rid of material possessions right now. Comment on YouTube and tell us about something you didn’t realize you owned (we’ll feature our favorites on a future episode).

This is a standalone highlight from The Minimalists Private Podcast. If you’d like to help us take advantage of the YouTube algorithm, then please leave a “starter like” on YouTube.

P.S. We’re also sharing bite-sized podcasts on TikTok.

The post The “Didn’t Know” Rule appea…


In this short video, Joshua, Ryan, and T.K. talk about their new minimalism rule for getting rid of material possessions right now. Comment on YouTube and tell us about something you didn’t realize you owned (we’ll feature our favorites on a future episode).

This is a standalone highlight from The Minimalists Private Podcast. If you’d like to help us take advantage of the YouTube algorithm, then please leave a “starter like” on YouTube.

P.S. We’re also sharing bite-sized podcasts on TikTok.

The post The “Didn’t Know” Rule appea…

Fluffy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes (Vegan + GF)


Fluffy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes (Vegan + GF)

If a Butterfinger candy became a cupcake, this would be it! These decadent peanut butter chocolate cupcakes combine our moist gluten-free chocolate cake mix with a rich, FLUFFY vegan peanut butter frosting for a drool-worthy cupcake combo!

Just 7 ingredients and simple methods required! Let’s make cupcakes, friends!

This recipe begins with our NEW Chocolate Cake + Cupcake Mix! Have you tried it yet?

We worked so hard to perfect this vegan, gluten-free mix that also happ…


Fluffy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes (Vegan + GF)

If a Butterfinger candy became a cupcake, this would be it! These decadent peanut butter chocolate cupcakes combine our moist gluten-free chocolate cake mix with a rich, FLUFFY vegan peanut butter frosting for a drool-worthy cupcake combo!

Just 7 ingredients and simple methods required! Let’s make cupcakes, friends!

This recipe begins with our NEW Chocolate Cake + Cupcake Mix! Have you tried it yet?

We worked so hard to perfect this vegan, gluten-free mix that also happ…

Does Your Internet Have a Speed Limit?


There’s more to broadband access than you think!

The post Does Your Internet Have a Speed Limit? appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.


There’s more to broadband access than you think!

The post Does Your Internet Have a Speed Limit? appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.

Freedom Is the Space Between Each Judgmental or Righteous Thought


“It is inner stillness that will save and transform the world.” ~Eckhart Tolle

Life is hard. Impenetrable at times. How can we use our spirituality to navigate through the density of life?

That question inspired this piece of writing. And my navigation tool is almost effortless; I feel compelled to share it.

When my mind is churning and burning with thoughts and fears and worries, I take myself off to a quiet place, get still, and watch my mind. I wait for the tiny gap between each thought. Bingo.

That space, that little gap, is freedom in its truest, purest form. It is the birthplace of peace. And every time I enter that space, I am no longer at war with anything. Despite wh…


“It is inner stillness that will save and transform the world.” ~Eckhart Tolle

Life is hard. Impenetrable at times. How can we use our spirituality to navigate through the density of life?

That question inspired this piece of writing. And my navigation tool is almost effortless; I feel compelled to share it.

When my mind is churning and burning with thoughts and fears and worries, I take myself off to a quiet place, get still, and watch my mind. I wait for the tiny gap between each thought. Bingo.

That space, that little gap, is freedom in its truest, purest form. It is the birthplace of peace. And every time I enter that space, I am no longer at war with anything. Despite wh…

Should You Buy Your Steak From Costco?


Steak on yellow background
Juan Moyano/Stocksy United

Costco is at once a wonderland and a dizzying maze of obstacles (Read: other shoppers with giant, overflowing carts all getting in each other’s way).

My household only signed up for membership in the cult store once we’d purchased an actual house with room to hoard things, and now we go primarily for dog food, army-supply amounts of toilet paper and paper towels, monster packs of string cheese, and oversize jars of fantastic (and fantastically priced) almond butter.

One item we usually skirt, though, is the steak. The quantitie…


Steak on yellow background
Juan Moyano/Stocksy United

Costco is at once a wonderland and a dizzying maze of obstacles (Read: other shoppers with giant, overflowing carts all getting in each other’s way).

My household only signed up for membership in the cult store once we’d purchased an actual house with room to hoard things, and now we go primarily for dog food, army-supply amounts of toilet paper and paper towels, monster packs of string cheese, and oversize jars of fantastic (and fantastically priced) almond butter.

One item we usually skirt, though, is the steak. The quantitie…

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