The Boundaries of Discontent


By Joshua Fields Millburn ·

We’re alarmed when people disregard or disrespect us.
But maybe there’s a reason they treat us poorly.

Perhaps we’ve tolerated their behavior so long
that they’ve grown comfortable in their misbehav…


By Joshua Fields Millburn ·

We’re alarmed when people disregard or disrespect us.
But maybe there’s a reason they treat us poorly.

Perhaps we’ve tolerated their behavior so long
that they’ve grown comfortable in their misbehav…

How Do You Say “Pho”?


Dear Helena,

I always pronounce the Vietnamese soup pho as “foe.” My friend says I’m being culturally insensitive and should make an effort to get it right (she says it’s “fuh”). But people always understand me, so what does it matter anyway? —Fuhgeddaboudit

Dear Fuhgeddaboudit,

Diane Cu, cocreator of the blog White on Rice Couple, says that Vietnamese words are tricky because Vietnamese is a tonal language, with “four or five” main tones and many more regional ones. Although the more common pronunciation of pho is “fuh,” some regions pronounce it more as “foe,” and others in two syllables, Cu says, with a rising tone on the first syllable and a falling tone on the second. Because of the tonal variation, Westerners also struggle with the phrase banh mi. Some erroneously pronounce it…


Dear Helena,

I always pronounce the Vietnamese soup pho as “foe.” My friend says I’m being culturally insensitive and should make an effort to get it right (she says it’s “fuh”). But people always understand me, so what does it matter anyway? —Fuhgeddaboudit

Dear Fuhgeddaboudit,

Diane Cu, cocreator of the blog White on Rice Couple, says that Vietnamese words are tricky because Vietnamese is a tonal language, with “four or five” main tones and many more regional ones. Although the more common pronunciation of pho is “fuh,” some regions pronounce it more as “foe,” and others in two syllables, Cu says, with a rising tone on the first syllable and a falling tone on the second. Because of the tonal variation, Westerners also struggle with the phrase banh mi. Some erroneously pronounce it…

Practicing with Zero


By Leo Babauta

When we’re creating a habit — say, meditation or practicing a language — we often try to encourage ourselves by creating an unbroken streak.

100 straight days of meditation! 30 straight days of practicing Chinese!

These are amazing accomplishments, and we should let ourselves feel encouraged when we have consistency like this.

However, what happens when the streak is broken? When the streak goes down to a Big Zero?

This can be incredibly discouraging, and we then often want to give up.

However, even more powerful than the consistency of a streak is what I call Practicing with Zero.

When we fall off the plan, when the streak is broken, when we don’t do the morning routine we like … this is when many of us hit the “Ah screw it” moment. (aka the “Fuck It” moment)

It’s like, “Ah wel…


By Leo Babauta

When we’re creating a habit — say, meditation or practicing a language — we often try to encourage ourselves by creating an unbroken streak.

100 straight days of meditation! 30 straight days of practicing Chinese!

These are amazing accomplishments, and we should let ourselves feel encouraged when we have consistency like this.

However, what happens when the streak is broken? When the streak goes down to a Big Zero?

This can be incredibly discouraging, and we then often want to give up.

However, even more powerful than the consistency of a streak is what I call Practicing with Zero.

When we fall off the plan, when the streak is broken, when we don’t do the morning routine we like … this is when many of us hit the “Ah screw it” moment. (aka the “Fuck It” moment)

It’s like, “Ah wel…

What Your Anger Is Trying to Tell You and How to Hear It


“When we embrace anger and take good care of our anger, we obtain relief. We can look deeply into it and gain many insights.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

It just took a few words from my husband before I felt my body move from calm to a boiling cauldron of rage. My whole being was alight, in flames. Energy felt like it was moving through me and shattering everything inside me.

I hated it. Anger is so intense, and so big, that most of us can’t bear to feel it in our bodies.

I wanted to do a lot of things—shout at him, throw things, scream the house down, offer rageful thoughts to anyone who would listen.

I wanted this anger out of my body. NOW.

In the past I have reacted to these inner sensations and launched arguments that could last hours or ev…


“When we embrace anger and take good care of our anger, we obtain relief. We can look deeply into it and gain many insights.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

It just took a few words from my husband before I felt my body move from calm to a boiling cauldron of rage. My whole being was alight, in flames. Energy felt like it was moving through me and shattering everything inside me.

I hated it. Anger is so intense, and so big, that most of us can’t bear to feel it in our bodies.

I wanted to do a lot of things—shout at him, throw things, scream the house down, offer rageful thoughts to anyone who would listen.

I wanted this anger out of my body. NOW.

In the past I have reacted to these inner sensations and launched arguments that could last hours or ev…

Familia y finanzas: ¿Evitando “la conversación”?


Se acercan días de fiestas familiares grandes, pero muchos padres todavía evitan tener una discusión familiar sobre sus finanzas.

The post Familia y finanzas: ¿Evitando “la conversación”? appeared first on Senior Planet.


Se acercan días de fiestas familiares grandes, pero muchos padres todavía evitan tener una discusión familiar sobre sus finanzas.

The post Familia y finanzas: ¿Evitando “la conversación”? appeared first on Senior Planet.

Family and Finances: Avoiding “The Talk”?


Big family holidays are coming up but many parents still avoid having a family discussion about their finances.

The post Family and Finances: Avoiding “The Talk”? appeared first on Senior Planet.


Big family holidays are coming up but many parents still avoid having a family discussion about their finances.

The post Family and Finances: Avoiding “The Talk”? appeared first on Senior Planet.

Is today's Smart Home tech wise enough for older adults?


Smart home, plugged in but not connected. Consider the Boston Consulting Group’s 2018 market sizing and landscape nicely visualized as a swarm of categories. What you saw there is the reality of market fragmentation, filled with multiple product types that do not play well together. Or MarketandMarket’s 2021 structure of the smart home market, noting that integrators play a key role in linking products together into a useful home environment, noting in…


Smart home, plugged in but not connected. Consider the Boston Consulting Group’s 2018 market sizing and landscape nicely visualized as a swarm of categories. What you saw there is the reality of market fragmentation, filled with multiple product types that do not play well together. Or MarketandMarket’s 2021 structure of the smart home market, noting that integrators play a key role in linking products together into a useful home environment, noting in…

Autophagy is Protective in the Progression Towards Age-Related Hearing Loss


This open access paper provides a good summary of present thought on the contributing causes of hearing loss, in which the various issues of noise, aging, and toxicity cause harm via inducing stress in hair cells of the inner ear and their axonal connections to the brain. Autophagy is a cell maintenance process, the recycling of damaged component parts. More efficient autophagy helps hair cells to resist and survive a stressful environments, but autophagy declines with age. Defects arise in many of the component parts of the autophagic system and its regulation. This is likely why the threshold for loss of hair cells in response to stresses diminishes in later life, l…


This open access paper provides a good summary of present thought on the contributing causes of hearing loss, in which the various issues of noise, aging, and toxicity cause harm via inducing stress in hair cells of the inner ear and their axonal connections to the brain. Autophagy is a cell maintenance process, the recycling of damaged component parts. More efficient autophagy helps hair cells to resist and survive a stressful environments, but autophagy declines with age. Defects arise in many of the component parts of the autophagic system and its regulation. This is likely why the threshold for loss of hair cells in response to stresses diminishes in later life, l…

Senior Planet Book Club: Vote For Our Next Book!


Which book should we read next?

The post Senior Planet Book Club: Vote For Our Next Book! appeared first on Senior Planet.


Which book should we read next?

The post Senior Planet Book Club: Vote For Our Next Book! appeared first on Senior Planet.

When Things Have to Change: How to Find the Willpower to Achieve Your Goals


“When it is obvious the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” ~Confucius

Do you want to know my biggest fear?

I’ve just come out of the closet, my parents have rejected me, and I am terrified, really, really terrified, because I’m completely alone, and the pain is unbearable.

But it’s not just the rejection that terrifies me—it’s also what happens after that.

With no one to turn to, I find comfort at the bottom of a bag of chips.

Three months and thirty pounds later I’ve yet to leave the confines of my bedroom. I’m wasting away, haunted by dead dreams, dirty dishes, and empty soda cans. The depression is unbearable. I feel like I’ll never be able to turn things around.

I look in the mirro…


“When it is obvious the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” ~Confucius

Do you want to know my biggest fear?

I’ve just come out of the closet, my parents have rejected me, and I am terrified, really, really terrified, because I’m completely alone, and the pain is unbearable.

But it’s not just the rejection that terrifies me—it’s also what happens after that.

With no one to turn to, I find comfort at the bottom of a bag of chips.

Three months and thirty pounds later I’ve yet to leave the confines of my bedroom. I’m wasting away, haunted by dead dreams, dirty dishes, and empty soda cans. The depression is unbearable. I feel like I’ll never be able to turn things around.

I look in the mirro…

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