Cankles: Causes, Treatments, and When to See a Doctor


Thicker ankles are usually harmless. However, swollen ankles could potentially signal a deeper medical issue.

From hip dips to cankles, it seems like society can turn perfectly normal body parts into a prob. Cankles is a not-so-nice slang term for ankles that blend into the feet. Aesthetically speaking, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them.

Thicker bones and more fat in the ankles may simply be due to genes and lifestyle factors. But sometimes, the ankles may swell and retain fluid due to an underlying medical prob like diabetes or hypothyroidism.

Here’s what to know!

Wang Yukun/Getty Images

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Thicker ankles are usually harmless. However, swollen ankles could potentially signal a deeper medical issue.

From hip dips to cankles, it seems like society can turn perfectly normal body parts into a prob. Cankles is a not-so-nice slang term for ankles that blend into the feet. Aesthetically speaking, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them.

Thicker bones and more fat in the ankles may simply be due to genes and lifestyle factors. But sometimes, the ankles may swell and retain fluid due to an underlying medical prob like diabetes or hypothyroidism.

Here’s what to know!

Wang Yukun/Getty Images

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