Meditation for ADHD: How to Center Your Focus When Focusing Is Super Frickin’ Tough


Maintaining concentration can be a huge challenge for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But there are plenty of coping mechanisms and ways to manage its sometimes chaotic symptoms. Meditation could be one way to reclaim your attention span.

An estimated 4.4 percent of adults in the United States have ADHD. There are different types, but the symptoms generally include:

  • Inattention. You find it super difficult to stay focused.
  • Hyperactivity. You engage in compulsive excess movement that may seem out of context.
  • Impulsiveness. You make sudden decisions or take spontaneous actions.

You might also face hurdles with your sleep schedule, regulating your emotions, and keeping track of time.

Sometimes, su…


Maintaining concentration can be a huge challenge for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But there are plenty of coping mechanisms and ways to manage its sometimes chaotic symptoms. Meditation could be one way to reclaim your attention span.

An estimated 4.4 percent of adults in the United States have ADHD. There are different types, but the symptoms generally include:

  • Inattention. You find it super difficult to stay focused.
  • Hyperactivity. You engage in compulsive excess movement that may seem out of context.
  • Impulsiveness. You make sudden decisions or take spontaneous actions.

You might also face hurdles with your sleep schedule, regulating your emotions, and keeping track of time.

Sometimes, su…

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