Poor Physical Function in Later Life Correlates with Increased Mortality

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2021/08/poor-physical-function-in-later-life-correlates-with-increased-mortality/

There are no great surprises to be found in the research materials here, which report on the correlation between increasing frailty and mortality in later life. Those people who struggle the most with physical activities tend to be those most likely to die. It is interesting to compare this with research on smaller cohorts that demonstrates the ability of structured exercise programs to improve physical capabilities and reduce mortality in later life. While some fraction of frailty is connected to the deeper processes of aging, a sizable degree of the problem emerges as the result of a lack of physical activity in older people. The choice to live a sedentary lifestyle has consequences.

It is well kn…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2021/08/poor-physical-function-in-later-life-correlates-with-increased-mortality/

There are no great surprises to be found in the research materials here, which report on the correlation between increasing frailty and mortality in later life. Those people who struggle the most with physical activities tend to be those most likely to die. It is interesting to compare this with research on smaller cohorts that demonstrates the ability of structured exercise programs to improve physical capabilities and reduce mortality in later life. While some fraction of frailty is connected to the deeper processes of aging, a sizable degree of the problem emerges as the result of a lack of physical activity in older people. The choice to live a sedentary lifestyle has consequences.

It is well kn…

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