NIH scientists watch the brain’s lining heal after a head injury


Following head injury, the protective lining that surrounds the brain may get a little help from its friends: immune cells that spring into action to assist with repairs. In a new study, scientists from the NIH watched in real-time as different immune cells took on carefully timed jobs to fix the damaged lining of the

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Following head injury, the protective lining that surrounds the brain may get a little help from its friends: immune cells that spring into action to assist with repairs. In a new study, scientists from the NIH watched in real-time as different immune cells took on carefully timed jobs to fix the damaged lining of the

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Advanced Fitness & Yoga Certifications


Written by Nova Guthrie

The human body has the same tissues, organs, and systems that it had thousands of years ago; but, how we use our bodies in the modern world is very different than even 50 or 100 years ago. Our knowledge of human anatomy is constantly improving and medical techniques for surgical repair are changing every few years. Physical Therapy protocols change and exercise science changes in accordance. Today, our lives are full of technology that leads to forward head, rounded and hunched shoulders, and repetitive use syndromes – such as carpal tunnel. While technology can be wonderful, it leads to a more sedentary lifestyle plagued with weight gain, increased body fat, slower metabolism, and limited cardiovascular fitness. Therefore, movement and physical exercise have never been so important to counteract these negative effects. This recognition of the need for and understanding of proper physical activity is what led me down the path of becoming a person trainer.   

I first became a trainer through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) with their basic, …


Written by Nova Guthrie

The human body has the same tissues, organs, and systems that it had thousands of years ago; but, how we use our bodies in the modern world is very different than even 50 or 100 years ago. Our knowledge of human anatomy is constantly improving and medical techniques for surgical repair are changing every few years. Physical Therapy protocols change and exercise science changes in accordance. Today, our lives are full of technology that leads to forward head, rounded and hunched shoulders, and repetitive use syndromes – such as carpal tunnel. While technology can be wonderful, it leads to a more sedentary lifestyle plagued with weight gain, increased body fat, slower metabolism, and limited cardiovascular fitness. Therefore, movement and physical exercise have never been so important to counteract these negative effects. This recognition of the need for and understanding of proper physical activity is what led me down the path of becoming a person trainer.   

I first became a trainer through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) with their basic, …

Chronic Illness and Depression


Dr. Rodgers and Dr. Gordon share signs and symptoms of depression, common among people with a long-term illness like diabetes or cancer….


Dr. Rodgers and Dr. Gordon share signs and symptoms of depression, common among people with a long-term illness like diabetes or cancer….

Brain imaging show that patients with Alzheimer’s disease can still remember and enjoy their favorite songs



Music Activates Regions of the Brain Spared by Alzheimer’s Disease (University of Utah):

“Ever get chills listening to a particularly moving piece of music? You can thank the salience network of the brain for that emotional joint. Surprisingly, this region also remains an island of remembrance that is spared from the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers at the University of Utah Health are looking to this region of the brain to develop music-based treatments to help alleviate anxiety in patients with dementia. Their research will appear in the April online issue of <a href=""…



Music Activates Regions of the Brain Spared by Alzheimer’s Disease (University of Utah):

“Ever get chills listening to a particularly moving piece of music? You can thank the salience network of the brain for that emotional joint. Surprisingly, this region also remains an island of remembrance that is spared from the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers at the University of Utah Health are looking to this region of the brain to develop music-based treatments to help alleviate anxiety in patients with dementia. Their research will appear in the April online issue of <a href=""…

Here’s the Simple Guide That Shows You How to Eat Healthy


confused about how to eat healthy? This guide makes it simpleWould you rather listen to this article? Use the player below or download on iTunes.

Does it ever feel like you spend way more time than you should have to thinking about food? What you should eat and shouldn’t eat; how many meals you should eat; are any foods best for fat loss; what’s best for improving overall health; is there such a thing as an all-you-can-eat peanut butter diet; are total calories or food quality more important.

Eating healthy is complicated.

Not really. Eating healthy seems complicated because of the abundance of information on food, weight loss, disease prevention and what you should and shouldn’t eat to look better naked. It’s no wonder people are frustrated and discouraged because they’ve tried popular diets that promised to be the diet for effortless fat loss: low fat, low carb, vegetarian, intermittent fasting, ketogenic, and all the rest.

The Basics are Not Replaceable

It’s not uncommon for someone to read the information below and scoff that it’s “too simple.” They want more than the basics. They think a diet that emulates…


confused about how to eat healthy? This guide makes it simpleWould you rather listen to this article? Use the player below or download on iTunes.

Does it ever feel like you spend way more time than you should have to thinking about food? What you should eat and shouldn’t eat; how many meals you should eat; are any foods best for fat loss; what’s best for improving overall health; is there such a thing as an all-you-can-eat peanut butter diet; are total calories or food quality more important.

Eating healthy is complicated.

Not really. Eating healthy seems complicated because of the abundance of information on food, weight loss, disease prevention and what you should and shouldn’t eat to look better naked. It’s no wonder people are frustrated and discouraged because they’ve tried popular diets that promised to be the diet for effortless fat loss: low fat, low carb, vegetarian, intermittent fasting, ketogenic, and all the rest.

The Basics are Not Replaceable

It’s not uncommon for someone to read the information below and scoff that it’s “too simple.” They want more than the basics. They think a diet that emulates…

Podcast 130 | Food


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua & Ryan brought Rich Roll into the studio to chat about the role food plays in our everyday lives and how to use food as fuel instead of entertainment, and they answered the following questions:

  • How do I maintain a healthy diet while traveling?
  • How do I purchase organic foods and grass-fed meats given my modest budget?
  • How do I determine what is trendy from what is actually beneficial for me?
  • Is there a relationship between nutrition and mental health?



<a href="https://applepodcasts.c…


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua & Ryan brought Rich Roll into the studio to chat about the role food plays in our everyday lives and how to use food as fuel instead of entertainment, and they answered the following questions:

  • How do I maintain a healthy diet while traveling?
  • How do I purchase organic foods and grass-fed meats given my modest budget?
  • How do I determine what is trendy from what is actually beneficial for me?
  • Is there a relationship between nutrition and mental health?



<a href="https://applepodcasts.c…

Dementia risk linked to some medicines – but don’t panic


by Ian Westbrook for BBC: A study links the long-term use of some drugs with a higher risk of dementia. In England, 1.5 to two million people are likely to be taking anticholinergics for depression, Parkinson’s and bladder problems. University……


by Ian Westbrook for BBC: A study links the long-term use of some drugs with a higher risk of dementia. In England, 1.5 to two million people are likely to be taking anticholinergics for depression, Parkinson’s and bladder problems. University……

Managing difficult behavior caused by Alzheimer’s


by National Institute on Aging: The issue: Alzheimer’s disease causes brain cells to die, so the brain works less well over time. This changes how a person acts. This article prepared by the National Institute on Aging has suggestions that……


by National Institute on Aging: The issue: Alzheimer’s disease causes brain cells to die, so the brain works less well over time. This changes how a person acts. This article prepared by the National Institute on Aging has suggestions that……

Can You Exercise With Atrial Fibrillation?


Your heart needs exercise, even when you’re living with AFib. A few simple tips from WebMD can help you do it safely.


Your heart needs exercise, even when you’re living with AFib. A few simple tips from WebMD can help you do it safely.

How Forgiving Yourself and Others Changes Your Brain


“Be quick to forgive, because we’re all walking wounded.” ~Anonymous

People often behave in ways that we find irritating, annoying, or worse. This can happen especially with people close to us.

They can speak with little consideration for the impact of their words. They can criticize us and pounce on our mistakes. Sometimes they do unfair things that seriously disadvantage or damage us. Or they let us down when we’re counting on them.

All these behaviors can lead to us feeling wounded. The scars can persist for years or even decades. The closer the offenders are to us, the greater the impact tends to be.

Most of us would like others to understand us, to act reliably, and to be approachable when things go wrong. We’d like them to be kind in dealing with our mistakes or offences. We’d like them to understand that we aren’t set in stone, that we aren’t just the sum total of our mistakes.

We deserve a chance to recover and show our better side. We’d like them to be more understanding and put a more favorable interpretation on what we did or failed to do.

However, it can be different when others behave badly. Often, we spend a lot of time a…


“Be quick to forgive, because we’re all walking wounded.” ~Anonymous

People often behave in ways that we find irritating, annoying, or worse. This can happen especially with people close to us.

They can speak with little consideration for the impact of their words. They can criticize us and pounce on our mistakes. Sometimes they do unfair things that seriously disadvantage or damage us. Or they let us down when we’re counting on them.

All these behaviors can lead to us feeling wounded. The scars can persist for years or even decades. The closer the offenders are to us, the greater the impact tends to be.

Most of us would like others to understand us, to act reliably, and to be approachable when things go wrong. We’d like them to be kind in dealing with our mistakes or offences. We’d like them to understand that we aren’t set in stone, that we aren’t just the sum total of our mistakes.

We deserve a chance to recover and show our better side. We’d like them to be more understanding and put a more favorable interpretation on what we did or failed to do.

However, it can be different when others behave badly. Often, we spend a lot of time a…

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