Study: Don’t overlook sleep difficulties in children with ADHD; they may impair functioning as much as ADHD itself



Problems with sleep are common in children with ADHD; in fact, past studies indicate that sleep problems occur in between 70 and 85%. Because of this, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that sleep difficulties should be assessed as part of a comprehensive ADHD evaluation. In some children, significant sleep difficulties may be an important contributor to apparent ADHD symptoms, and could contribute to a child being incorrectly diagnosed. For example, consistent insufficient sleep would certainly contribute to trouble with attention and focus. For other children, sleep problems may co-exist with ADHD and contribute to significant functional impairment on their own.

Although the link between ADHD and sleep difficulties is well-…



Problems with sleep are common in children with ADHD; in fact, past studies indicate that sleep problems occur in between 70 and 85%. Because of this, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that sleep difficulties should be assessed as part of a comprehensive ADHD evaluation. In some children, significant sleep difficulties may be an important contributor to apparent ADHD symptoms, and could contribute to a child being incorrectly diagnosed. For example, consistent insufficient sleep would certainly contribute to trouble with attention and focus. For other children, sleep problems may co-exist with ADHD and contribute to significant functional impairment on their own.

Although the link between ADHD and sleep difficulties is well-…

Friday Randomness


Hey guys – happy Friday! Before I get into today’s content, a heads up that the Winter Shape Up week 3 meal plan is now live so you guys can get your shop on this weekend. Click here to see it! 🙂 And in the meantime, don’t forget to comment on the week 2 meal plan page to enter to win a prize from the week 2 sponsor! You have until Sunday to comment over there, and I’ll draw the winner on Monday. 🙂

And now – let’s close out this week, shall we? It’s been a strange one weather-wise. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I was rocking sun dresses and jean jackets and having iced lattes:


And then by yesterday it was snowing and the windchill temperature was in the teens. Totally normal…

Lucky for me my workout …


Hey guys – happy Friday! Before I get into today’s content, a heads up that the Winter Shape Up week 3 meal plan is now live so you guys can get your shop on this weekend. Click here to see it! 🙂 And in the meantime, don’t forget to comment on the week 2 meal plan page to enter to win a prize from the week 2 sponsor! You have until Sunday to comment over there, and I’ll draw the winner on Monday. 🙂

And now – let’s close out this week, shall we? It’s been a strange one weather-wise. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I was rocking sun dresses and jean jackets and having iced lattes:


And then by yesterday it was snowing and the windchill temperature was in the teens. Totally normal…

Lucky for me my workout …

Foods for Heart Health


With Valentine’s arriving in the middle of the month and February listed as  American Heart Month, it seemed like the perfect time to focus on food to improve heart health.  The American Heart Association states “Heart disease – also called coronary heart disease – is a simple term used to describe several problems related to plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries, or atherosclerosis. As the plaque builds up, the arteries narrow, making it more difficult for blood to flow and creating a risk for heart attack or stroke.”  Not only are one in every 4 deaths in the US related to heart disease but heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the US.  Heart disease is a huge problem for the United States population.  Fortunately, there are many steps related to diet and lifestyle that can positively impact your heart health.

Foods to Eat to Reduce Heart Disease

Salmon:  The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (particularly fatty fish) at least two  times a week.  A standard serving is 3.5 oz, about the size of a deck of cards . Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herr…


With Valentine’s arriving in the middle of the month and February listed as  American Heart Month, it seemed like the perfect time to focus on food to improve heart health.  The American Heart Association states “Heart disease – also called coronary heart disease – is a simple term used to describe several problems related to plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries, or atherosclerosis. As the plaque builds up, the arteries narrow, making it more difficult for blood to flow and creating a risk for heart attack or stroke.”  Not only are one in every 4 deaths in the US related to heart disease but heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the US.  Heart disease is a huge problem for the United States population.  Fortunately, there are many steps related to diet and lifestyle that can positively impact your heart health.

Foods to Eat to Reduce Heart Disease

Salmon:  The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (particularly fatty fish) at least two  times a week.  A standard serving is 3.5 oz, about the size of a deck of cards . Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herr…

20 Awesome Things About Being in Your Late 20s


A lot of people think college was the best four years of their life, and others never wanted high school to end. Maybe you can’t wait to hit that age where it makes sense to settle down with a spouse, 2.5 kids, and a house in the suburbs surrounded by a white picket fence.

But your late 20s? Ugh. They’re just an awkward, in-between phase. No one ever talks about how excited they are to turn 28 or 29; there’s even an alleged curse on age 27 because a surprising number of celebrities die at that age.

Well, I’m here to argue that our late 20s get a bad rap. No one ever talks about the good parts. Sure, there are difficulties: trying to build your career; juggling said career, friends, and dating; dating in general. But there are plenty of perks to take advantage of between 25 and 30 that we don’t discuss enough.

1. You have an awesome group of friends.

By now, you’ve established some rock-solid relationships with people who truly get you (and won’t make fun of you for staying in on a Friday night). High school and college throw a lot of randoms together in classes and dorms—who become your friends through default—but now you get to choose people who complement your interests and actually add value to your life.

<img alt="The author, …


A lot of people think college was the best four years of their life, and others never wanted high school to end. Maybe you can’t wait to hit that age where it makes sense to settle down with a spouse, 2.5 kids, and a house in the suburbs surrounded by a white picket fence.

But your late 20s? Ugh. They’re just an awkward, in-between phase. No one ever talks about how excited they are to turn 28 or 29; there’s even an alleged curse on age 27 because a surprising number of celebrities die at that age.

Well, I’m here to argue that our late 20s get a bad rap. No one ever talks about the good parts. Sure, there are difficulties: trying to build your career; juggling said career, friends, and dating; dating in general. But there are plenty of perks to take advantage of between 25 and 30 that we don’t discuss enough.

1. You have an awesome group of friends.

By now, you’ve established some rock-solid relationships with people who truly get you (and won’t make fun of you for staying in on a Friday night). High school and college throw a lot of randoms together in classes and dorms—who become your friends through default—but now you get to choose people who complement your interests and actually add value to your life.

<img alt="The author, …

Medicare: We Stand on Principle, Not Politics – AARP


Since AARP launched its campaign a few weeks ago, we’ve heard from a lot of
you who’ve seen our national ad on television and online touting our battle to ……


Since AARP launched its campaign a few weeks ago, we’ve heard from a lot of
you who’ve seen our national ad on television and online touting our battle to ……

Blink Fitness Makes a Move into the West Coast Market


Blink Fitness announced that by the end of the year it will open its first location in California, a facility to be located inside the 87-year-old Huntington Park Warner Theatre.

read more


Blink Fitness announced that by the end of the year it will open its first location in California, a facility to be located inside the 87-year-old Huntington Park Warner Theatre.

read more

Exercise may be #1 way to prevent dementia


by Knowridge Science Report: Regular exercise in middle age is the best lifestyle change a person can make to prevent cognitive decline in their later years, a 20-year study finds. Abnormalities in brain tissue begin several decades before the onset……


by Knowridge Science Report: Regular exercise in middle age is the best lifestyle change a person can make to prevent cognitive decline in their later years, a 20-year study finds. Abnormalities in brain tissue begin several decades before the onset……

How a Mere Prick of the Finger Can Diagnose a Concussion


When your head takes a hit, your brain is subjected to shear forces—without any of the structural damage you can see on a CT scan or an MRI. But they also release a number of proteins into the cerebral spinal fluid. About one in a thousand of those proteins crosses the blood-brain barrier to enter the

Read More…


When your head takes a hit, your brain is subjected to shear forces—without any of the structural damage you can see on a CT scan or an MRI. But they also release a number of proteins into the cerebral spinal fluid. About one in a thousand of those proteins crosses the blood-brain barrier to enter the

Read More…

Your Anger is a Guide: Embrace It and Set Yourself Free


“Where there is anger there is always pain underneath.” ~Eckhart Tolle

In the sixth year of marriage, my husband shocked me by telling me that he had decided on an open marriage. This would give him permission to do what he was already doing, having an affair.

In one of my rare times of anger I argued and struggled with him. I can still see myself hitting him in the chest as he tried to put his arms around me to reassure me of his love.

As he defended his position, he reminded me that I wasn’t being rational. I stopped protesting because that charge impacted me immediately. Logic and rationality were my guides.

This surge of anger was new in my life. I had learned to bury my feelings, especially anger, growing up in my Japanese-American family where we hid most emotions.

Adding to pushing down my feelings, I relied on intellect, my head, and dismissed my heart.

When he attacked a vulnerable spot—to be rational—I became silent. It was the first of three betrayals I lived quietly through over the years.

I swallowed two other screams of “No!” when, over the years, I learned about two other women, who intruded not only into my life, but also into m…


“Where there is anger there is always pain underneath.” ~Eckhart Tolle

In the sixth year of marriage, my husband shocked me by telling me that he had decided on an open marriage. This would give him permission to do what he was already doing, having an affair.

In one of my rare times of anger I argued and struggled with him. I can still see myself hitting him in the chest as he tried to put his arms around me to reassure me of his love.

As he defended his position, he reminded me that I wasn’t being rational. I stopped protesting because that charge impacted me immediately. Logic and rationality were my guides.

This surge of anger was new in my life. I had learned to bury my feelings, especially anger, growing up in my Japanese-American family where we hid most emotions.

Adding to pushing down my feelings, I relied on intellect, my head, and dismissed my heart.

When he attacked a vulnerable spot—to be rational—I became silent. It was the first of three betrayals I lived quietly through over the years.

I swallowed two other screams of “No!” when, over the years, I learned about two other women, who intruded not only into my life, but also into m…

Air Pollution May Raise Risk of Type 2 Diabetes


Study of obese Hispanic children suggests smog might boost chances of developing the blood sugar disorder


Study of obese Hispanic children suggests smog might boost chances of developing the blood sugar disorder

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