Reset Your Body with this Easy 5-Day Eating Plan


Every January, many people attempt a “detox” or “cleanse” to lose the holiday weight or just kick off the year with healthy habits. These fad diet plans, however, tend to be a bit inundating. Drinking only juice, for example, requires extreme self-discipline. And even after you’ve completed a grueling detox program, those days of deprivation may cause you to boomerang right back into eating processed, packaged, bad-for-you foods. New research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that low-calorie diets may lead to binge-eating, which is not the way to lose those extra pounds.

Researchers at Loughborough University studied healthy, college-aged women on a calorie-restricted diet and discovered that they ate an additional 300 calories, on average, at dinner compared to the control group, who ate three standard meals. The reason for consuming more may be because they had higher levels of ghrelin (a hormone that makes you feel hungry), and lower levels of peptide YY (a hormone that suppresses appetite). Odds are, if you’re feeling ravenous, you will go hog wild when it’s finally time to chow down.


Every January, many people attempt a “detox” or “cleanse” to lose the holiday weight or just kick off the year with healthy habits. These fad diet plans, however, tend to be a bit inundating. Drinking only juice, for example, requires extreme self-discipline. And even after you’ve completed a grueling detox program, those days of deprivation may cause you to boomerang right back into eating processed, packaged, bad-for-you foods. New research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that low-calorie diets may lead to binge-eating, which is not the way to lose those extra pounds.

Researchers at Loughborough University studied healthy, college-aged women on a calorie-restricted diet and discovered that they ate an additional 300 calories, on average, at dinner compared to the control group, who ate three standard meals. The reason for consuming more may be because they had higher levels of ghrelin (a hormone that makes you feel hungry), and lower levels of peptide YY (a hormone that suppresses appetite). Odds are, if you’re feeling ravenous, you will go hog wild when it’s finally time to chow down.

30 Days to Total Brain Health featuring TED Talks | Day 20 | How To Reach 100+ Brain Healthy Years


DAY 20

HOW TO REACH 100+ BRAIN HEALTHY YEARS. Ever wonder about the lifestyles of people who live past age 100? Dan Buettner shares his research on communities whose elders live well into old age in this profound TEDTalk packed with helpful insights on how to age successfully.


DAY 20

HOW TO REACH 100+ BRAIN HEALTHY YEARS. Ever wonder about the lifestyles of people who live past age 100? Dan Buettner shares his research on communities whose elders live well into old age in this profound TEDTalk packed with helpful insights on how to age successfully.

How Tim Walked His Way to a 50-Pound Weight Loss. Wait. WHAT!?


“Holy crap! Seriously!?”

It was 1 AM, and I was sitting, bleary-eyed at my computer in a hotel room in Barcelona. Like many people, instead of sleeping I had been messing around on Facebook (oops!) and happened across a thread with a Nerd Fitness reader who said the following:

“Nutrition is 90% of the battle, right? Well I’ve seen that in action over the last few months. I was unable to continue workouts due to a health issue and have had to rely COMPLETELY on walking and nutrition to find results. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

I am completely sold on the principles of the Nerd Fitness Academy. Thank you, Steve Kamb for founding NFA!

I am not done, I have only begun, but now that I can (hopefully) begin workouts again after seeing my doctor in a couple weeks, I look forward to even greater results! Already I have lost over 50 pounds since starting NFA, I no longer need blood pressure medication, and I fit into size 34 jeans…a feat I have not done since grad school 20 years ago!”

What followed were the photos you see above… right!?

My jaw hit the floor when I saw Tim’s 7 month before and “durin…


“Holy crap! Seriously!?”

It was 1 AM, and I was sitting, bleary-eyed at my computer in a hotel room in Barcelona. Like many people, instead of sleeping I had been messing around on Facebook (oops!) and happened across a thread with a Nerd Fitness reader who said the following:

“Nutrition is 90% of the battle, right? Well I’ve seen that in action over the last few months. I was unable to continue workouts due to a health issue and have had to rely COMPLETELY on walking and nutrition to find results. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

I am completely sold on the principles of the Nerd Fitness Academy. Thank you, Steve Kamb for founding NFA!

I am not done, I have only begun, but now that I can (hopefully) begin workouts again after seeing my doctor in a couple weeks, I look forward to even greater results! Already I have lost over 50 pounds since starting NFA, I no longer need blood pressure medication, and I fit into size 34 jeans…a feat I have not done since grad school 20 years ago!”

What followed were the photos you see above… right!?

My jaw hit the floor when I saw Tim’s 7 month before and “durin…

Brain teaser to challenge your frontal lobes


Here is a fun brain teaser from puzzle master Wes Carroll.

Tipping the Scales

free brain teasers for frontal lobes

The top two scales in the image at the right are in perfect balance. How many diamonds will be needed to balance the bottom set?

This puzzle helps you work out your executive functions –supported in the frontal lobes— by using your pattern recognition, hypothesis testing, and logic.


Four diamonds


First add up the number of clubs in the first two scales (5). Then count how many clubs are in the bottom scale (5). The do the same with the spades, which gets you 5 and 5. There are 4 diamonds in the top two balanced …


Here is a fun brain teaser from puzzle master Wes Carroll.

Tipping the Scales

The top two scales in the image at the right are in perfect balance. How many diamonds will be needed to balance the bottom set?

This puzzle helps you work out your executive functions –supported in the frontal lobes— by using your pattern recognition, hypothesis testing, and logic.


Four diamonds


First add up the number of clubs in the first two scales (5). Then count how many clubs are in the bottom scale (5). The do the same with the spades, which gets you 5 and 5. There are 4 diamonds in the top two balanced …

Three Easy Steps To A Strong, Attractive, and Flat Tummy!


 If you are motivated to improve your fitness levels and reduce your body-fat, here are some tips to get on track.  Remember that diet and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to lowering your body-fat and creating a flat tummy, so take a dual approach to get the best results. Perform a balanced strengthening routine three times each … Read More

The post Three Easy Steps To A Strong, Attractive, and Flat Tummy! appeared first on Personal Training Vancouver.


 If you are motivated to improve your fitness levels and reduce your body-fat, here are some tips to get on track.  Remember that diet and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to lowering your body-fat and creating a flat tummy, so take a dual approach to get the best results. Perform a balanced strengthening routine three times each … Read More

The post Three Easy Steps To A Strong, Attractive, and Flat Tummy! appeared first on Personal Training Vancouver.

Are You Ready to Become a Beautiful Badass?


The Beautiful Badass Lab is OpenThe Beautiful Badass Lab is finally open, and waiting for you.

The Beautiful Badass Lab is a done-for-you strength training system designed to build a fit, strong, confident body with only 3 workouts per week. New workouts are delivered every month, for six months, and you’ll be part of a growing, private community of badass women.

But first …

This Isn’t For Everyone

And I say that proudly. Not every woman enjoys the Beautiful Badass approach to strength training, but there’s a common thread that connects those who do. It’s a declaration to be the best version of yourself; using strength training to discover the incredible things your body can do; choosing to focus on improving your performance rather than accumulating fatigue; building yourself up instead of tearing yourself down; choosing empowerment over punishment.

Being a Beautiful Badass means using simple, proven strength training methods to build a strong, fit, confident body and being able to maintain it, long-term, without resorting to depriving eating habits or revolving your life around a time-consuming workout schedule.

These are the qualities that define a Beautiful Badass. Whether you’re already employing those principles or are intrigued by…


The Beautiful Badass Lab is OpenThe Beautiful Badass Lab is finally open, and waiting for you.

The Beautiful Badass Lab is a done-for-you strength training system designed to build a fit, strong, confident body with only 3 workouts per week. New workouts are delivered every month, for six months, and you’ll be part of a growing, private community of badass women.

But first …

This Isn’t For Everyone

And I say that proudly. Not every woman enjoys the Beautiful Badass approach to strength training, but there’s a common thread that connects those who do. It’s a declaration to be the best version of yourself; using strength training to discover the incredible things your body can do; choosing to focus on improving your performance rather than accumulating fatigue; building yourself up instead of tearing yourself down; choosing empowerment over punishment.

Being a Beautiful Badass means using simple, proven strength training methods to build a strong, fit, confident body and being able to maintain it, long-term, without resorting to depriving eating habits or revolving your life around a time-consuming workout schedule.

These are the qualities that define a Beautiful Badass. Whether you’re already employing those principles or are intrigued by…

High blood pressure onset in late life may protect against dementia


by Medical XPress: New study results published online today in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association suggest that onset of high blood pressure later in life is associated with lower dementia risk after age 90, especially if……


by Medical XPress: New study results published online today in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association suggest that onset of high blood pressure later in life is associated with lower dementia risk after age 90, especially if……

Short Exercise Sessions May Decrease Inflammation


20 minutes on a treadmill linked to drop in immune cells tied to inflammation, study finds


20 minutes on a treadmill linked to drop in immune cells tied to inflammation, study finds

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