Care at Home Lessens Risk of Hospital Re-Admission within 30 Days Following Hospitalization for Heart Failure


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

Older adults who are recovering from heart failure often leave the hospital to stay at rehabilitation facilities (also called skilled nursing facilities) before they return home. However, healthcare practitioners know that the stress of the transitioning from hospital to skilled nursing facility and back to a person’s home can result in an older adult’s readmission to the hospital within 30 days after their discharge.

For that reason, older adults who have heart failure may do better when they get home health care once they return home after th…


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

Older adults who are recovering from heart failure often leave the hospital to stay at rehabilitation facilities (also called skilled nursing facilities) before they return home. However, healthcare practitioners know that the stress of the transitioning from hospital to skilled nursing facility and back to a person’s home can result in an older adult’s readmission to the hospital within 30 days after their discharge.

For that reason, older adults who have heart failure may do better when they get home health care once they return home after th…

Non-Medical Ways to Help Care for Someone with Alzheimer’s


by Comfort Keepers: Caring for family members with Alzheimer’s disease or another diagnosis of dementia can be challenging. But, you’ve evaluated your care options and decided that a nursing home wasn’t the best choice for your loved one. Fortunately, Alzheimer’s……


by Comfort Keepers: Caring for family members with Alzheimer’s disease or another diagnosis of dementia can be challenging. But, you’ve evaluated your care options and decided that a nursing home wasn’t the best choice for your loved one. Fortunately, Alzheimer’s……

Microglial Neuroinflammation as a Cause of Tau Aggregation


Chronic inflammation in the brain is an important aspect of all neurodegenerative conditions. In particular, as discussed in this open access paper, there is good evidence for inflammatory and dysfunctional (and senescent) microglia to drive the tau protein aggregation characteristic of late stage Alzheimer’s disease. It remains to be seen as to how the research community will build on past years of research on this topic to develop therapies, but one of the best near term possibilities is the use of senolytic therapies such as the <a href="…


Chronic inflammation in the brain is an important aspect of all neurodegenerative conditions. In particular, as discussed in this open access paper, there is good evidence for inflammatory and dysfunctional (and senescent) microglia to drive the tau protein aggregation characteristic of late stage Alzheimer’s disease. It remains to be seen as to how the research community will build on past years of research on this topic to develop therapies, but one of the best near term possibilities is the use of senolytic therapies such as the <a href="…

Senescent Cells in Blind Mole Rats do not Exhibit the Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype


Naked mole-rats live as much as nine times longer than similarly sized rodent species. A short summary of what is known of their biochemistry is that they exhibit many of the molecular signs of aging found in other mammals, such as oxidative damage, presence of senescent cells, and so forth, but few to none of the consequences found in other mammals. Naked mole rats stay fit and healthy and physiologically youthful right up until very late life. The near relative species of blind mole-rat has many of the same characteristics, although it is less well studied than naked mole-rats at the present time.

The accumulation of <a href="https://en.w…


Naked mole-rats live as much as nine times longer than similarly sized rodent species. A short summary of what is known of their biochemistry is that they exhibit many of the molecular signs of aging found in other mammals, such as oxidative damage, presence of senescent cells, and so forth, but few to none of the consequences found in other mammals. Naked mole rats stay fit and healthy and physiologically youthful right up until very late life. The near relative species of blind mole-rat has many of the same characteristics, although it is less well studied than naked mole-rats at the present time.

The accumulation of <a href="https://en.w…

Happy Food Politics Halloween


No getting around it.  It’s candy time again.

Researchers (somebody has to do this) tell us that candy popularity varies by state.


Here are a few items I’ve been collecting for this occasion.


No getting around it.  It’s candy time again.

Researchers (somebody has to do this) tell us that candy popularity varies by state.


Here are a few items I’ve been collecting for this occasion.


by Women’s Brain Health Initiative: Thanks to the ongoing support of Brain Canada,  WBHI’s newest edition of MIND OVER MATTER has just been published. Loaded with interesting science-based articles, MIND OVER MATTER brings you the latest research findings and highlights the best ways……


by Women’s Brain Health Initiative: Thanks to the ongoing support of Brain Canada,  WBHI’s newest edition of MIND OVER MATTER has just been published. Loaded with interesting science-based articles, MIND OVER MATTER brings you the latest research findings and highlights the best ways……

Every Bit Counts


by Women’s Brain Health Initiative: It is widely understood that physical activity is important for both physical and cognitive health. But, just how much physical activity, and at what intensity level, is enough to reap the benefits? The Canadian Physical……


by Women’s Brain Health Initiative: It is widely understood that physical activity is important for both physical and cognitive health. But, just how much physical activity, and at what intensity level, is enough to reap the benefits? The Canadian Physical……

Can Psychedelic Ayahuasca Help With Depression?


photo of banisteriopsis caapi vine

Some people are trying the psychedelic tea to heal depression, addiction, and PTSD as researchers study whether it has potential health ben


photo of banisteriopsis caapi vine

Some people are trying the psychedelic tea to heal depression, addiction, and PTSD as researchers study whether it has potential health ben

Celebrate Halloween with nine great riddles about Life and Death



Q: Who created the universe?
A:  Mama!

Q: What is full of hope, often thought of, but doesn’t exist?
A: Tomorrow.

Q: What is it that you can fear, anticipate, even cause, but will never be able to experience?
A: Death.

Q: What is another name for Life?
A: Death’s exquisitely furnished waiting-room.

Q: Do you desire to live forever?
A:  You do already. (Prove that you don’t!)

Q: If life’s a scream, what’s death?
A: A shrug!

Q: What is by far the most outstanding and surprising of all humankind’s successes?
A:  Waking up in the mornin…



Q: Who created the universe?
A:  Mama!

Q: What is full of hope, often thought of, but doesn’t exist?
A: Tomorrow.

Q: What is it that you can fear, anticipate, even cause, but will never be able to experience?
A: Death.

Q: What is another name for Life?
A: Death’s exquisitely furnished waiting-room.

Q: Do you desire to live forever?
A:  You do already. (Prove that you don’t!)

Q: If life’s a scream, what’s death?
A: A shrug!

Q: What is by far the most outstanding and surprising of all humankind’s successes?
A:  Waking up in the mornin…

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