
Medicare to Require Hospitals Post Prices Online


pulling money out walllet

Currently, hospitals must make their prices public, but the new rule requires the information to be posted online in a format that can be easily processed by computers, the Associated Press reported.


pulling money out walllet

Currently, hospitals must make their prices public, but the new rule requires the information to be posted online in a format that can be easily processed by computers, the Associated Press reported.

Eat Less Strategies


With summer quickly approaching, many clients have been asking for ideas about how to manage their food intake.  It seems the warmer weather has everyone  focused on portion control and healthy eating.  Following these simple strategies can help you get a handle on the amount of food you put in your body.

  • Try pre-plating both meals and snacks.  Don’t eat directly from the box or bag.
  • Serve yourself 20% less than you think you might want.  You can always go back for seconds if you still feel hungry.
  • Serve food on smaller plates and bowls.  Use long, tall glasses to create the illusion of more.  Your body will think you are eating more.
  • Increase your vegetable servings while decreasing the size of your other types of food.  Vegetable are loaded with filling fiber and necessary vitamins and minerals that keep your body happy.
  • Always shop with a list and try to avoid shopping while hungry.
  • Eat in one room only without distractions from tv, phone and internet.  Mindful eating helps you recognize the cues your body is full.
  • Avoid supersizing meals unless you plan to share them.  Even though it may be less expensive, the extra calories are not worth it.
  • Unless you are allergic or av…


With summer quickly approaching, many clients have been asking for ideas about how to manage their food intake.  It seems the warmer weather has everyone  focused on portion control and healthy eating.  Following these simple strategies can help you get a handle on the amount of food you put in your body.

  • Try pre-plating both meals and snacks.  Don’t eat directly from the box or bag.
  • Serve yourself 20% less than you think you might want.  You can always go back for seconds if you still feel hungry.
  • Serve food on smaller plates and bowls.  Use long, tall glasses to create the illusion of more.  Your body will think you are eating more.
  • Increase your vegetable servings while decreasing the size of your other types of food.  Vegetable are loaded with filling fiber and necessary vitamins and minerals that keep your body happy.
  • Always shop with a list and try to avoid shopping while hungry.
  • Eat in one room only without distractions from tv, phone and internet.  Mindful eating helps you recognize the cues your body is full.
  • Avoid supersizing meals unless you plan to share them.  Even though it may be less expensive, the extra calories are not worth it.
  • Unless you are allergic or av…

Spring Allergy Season Could Be Brutal


More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year. … Allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. Allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion can be particularl……


More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year. … Allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. Allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion can be particularl……

Fetal Immune System May Trigger Premature Birth


A new study suggests some preterm births occur because the fetus rejects the mother, after its immune system is triggered too early and senses maternal cells as foreign invaders.


A new study suggests some preterm births occur because the fetus rejects the mother, after its immune system is triggered too early and senses maternal cells as foreign invaders.

E. Coli Outbreak: Throw Out Your Romaine Lettuce


Following an E. coli outbreak begun last month that has led to 31 hospitalizations in 16 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Friday that consumers should throw out any ……


Following an E. coli outbreak begun last month that has led to 31 hospitalizations in 16 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Friday that consumers should throw out any ……

Your Invitation to Connect with Us!


Your Invitation to Connect with Us!  Join One of Our FREE Webinars!
Where’s the Brain Training? Why TBH Toolkits Should Be on Your Calendar.

Date: May 15, 2018
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm ET
Click HERE to register

Date: June 11, 2018 
Time: 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm ET
Click <a style="color: #000000" href="…


Your Invitation to Connect with Us!  Join One of Our FREE Webinars!
Where’s the Brain Training? Why TBH Toolkits Should Be on Your Calendar.

Date: May 15, 2018
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm ET
Click HERE to register

Date: June 11, 2018 
Time: 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm ET
Click <a style="color: #000000" href="…

Anesthesia Doesn't Seem to Harm Child's IQ: Study


At ages 8 to 12 and 15 to 20, all three groups were similar in terms of IQ, memory and several other measures of brain function, according to the study authors.


At ages 8 to 12 and 15 to 20, all three groups were similar in terms of IQ, memory and several other measures of brain function, according to the study authors.

What is Collagen Good For, Really?


Until recently, a collagen supplement was something that you’d put on your body, not in it.

For decades, people have used collagen topically in anti-aging creams. But recently there’s been a spike in collagen everything: pills and powders, whey-collagen supplement combos, bone broth, and other collagen-infused products.

Why the surge?

Collagen comes with some lofty health claims. Some suggest that taking just a single serving (about 2 tablespoons) of collagen powder per day can do everything from improve your workout performance, to strengthen your muscles, to lubricate your joints, to even improve your gut health

But at $50 for a one-month serving — double the price of most protein powders — there’s a hefty price tag to go along with all that big talk…only some of which is backed by science.

Should you buy in?

<span style="font-weight: 4…


Until recently, a collagen supplement was something that you’d put on your body, not in it.

For decades, people have used collagen topically in anti-aging creams. But recently there’s been a spike in collagen everything: pills and powders, whey-collagen supplement combos, bone broth, and other collagen-infused products.

Why the surge?

Collagen comes with some lofty health claims. Some suggest that taking just a single serving (about 2 tablespoons) of collagen powder per day can do everything from improve your workout performance, to strengthen your muscles, to lubricate your joints, to even improve your gut health

But at $50 for a one-month serving — double the price of most protein powders — there’s a hefty price tag to go along with all that big talk…only some of which is backed by science.

Should you buy in?

<span style="font-weight: 4…

Fish Oil Ineffective in Treating Dry Eye Disease


A three-year study found that fish oil supplements, which contain omega-3 fatty acids, are no more effective at treating dry eye disease in patients than a placebo. … Dry eye is a condition that ……


A three-year study found that fish oil supplements, which contain omega-3 fatty acids, are no more effective at treating dry eye disease in patients than a placebo. … Dry eye is a condition that ……

Study combines MRI brain scans with statistics to better predict cognitive problems after stroke



New ‘brain health index’ can predict how well patients will do after stroke (ScienceDaily):

“A new computer programme developed by scientists at the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow can assess whole brain deterioration and help predict cognitive function after stroke up to ten times more accurately than current methods.

The new approach, published today in the International Journal of Stroke, can quantify visible brain injury from cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) and brain atrophy by translating the million plus bits of information stored in brain scans into a single measure, the “brain health index.”…

Dr David Ale…



New ‘brain health index’ can predict how well patients will do after stroke (ScienceDaily):

“A new computer programme developed by scientists at the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow can assess whole brain deterioration and help predict cognitive function after stroke up to ten times more accurately than current methods.

The new approach, published today in the International Journal of Stroke, can quantify visible brain injury from cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) and brain atrophy by translating the million plus bits of information stored in brain scans into a single measure, the “brain health index.”…

Dr David Ale…

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