
Exercise and Brain Aging


The brain is a pliable organ. Its pliability makes it versatile – allowing the body to easily respond to the external environment and at the same time permit a variety of other cognitive as well as emotional and motor functions. But, over time, it ages like the rest of us.

A child’s brain is most malleable. The brain, in fact, grows dramatically in size during the childhood years, as shown by the rapid gains in intelligence of a child. Brain volume begins to diminish at age 30.

Similar to an automobile, the apparent health of the human brain and its maximal efficiency also depend on a lot of factors. The most profound among them is the presence of aerobic activity, or to put it more simply, exercise. According to recent studies, exercise greatly affects brain aging by slowing cognitive decline. Studies like this can be revolutionary for neurodegenerat…


The brain is a pliable organ. Its pliability makes it versatile – allowing the body to easily respond to the external environment and at the same time permit a variety of other cognitive as well as emotional and motor functions. But, over time, it ages like the rest of us.

A child’s brain is most malleable. The brain, in fact, grows dramatically in size during the childhood years, as shown by the rapid gains in intelligence of a child. Brain volume begins to diminish at age 30.

Similar to an automobile, the apparent health of the human brain and its maximal efficiency also depend on a lot of factors. The most profound among them is the presence of aerobic activity, or to put it more simply, exercise. According to recent studies, exercise greatly affects brain aging by slowing cognitive decline. Studies like this can be revolutionary for neurodegenerat…

Fulfilling Our Unique Humanity


Maslow, Rogers, Satir and Erickson are just some of the scholars who have shaped and will continue to shape a core psychological paradigm – humanism.

In this article, I elaborate on the optimal conditions necessary to become the best persons we can possibly be. Some psychologists refer to this ultimate state as self-actualization. I call it the optimal phenotype. I will also expound on the core features of what it is like to become self-actualized, as per Maslow.

Genetic underpinning is only a part of who we are. Genes create possibilities. Our internal and external experiences have more to do with the structure of our autobiography.

Getting our biopsychosocial needs met consistently and met over time is an important accomplishment. We need to experience essential survival needs, needs for safety and security, of affiliation a…


Maslow, Rogers, Satir and Erickson are just some of the scholars who have shaped and will continue to shape a core psychological paradigm – humanism.

In this article, I elaborate on the optimal conditions necessary to become the best persons we can possibly be. Some psychologists refer to this ultimate state as self-actualization. I call it the optimal phenotype. I will also expound on the core features of what it is like to become self-actualized, as per Maslow.

Genetic underpinning is only a part of who we are. Genes create possibilities. Our internal and external experiences have more to do with the structure of our autobiography.

Getting our biopsychosocial needs met consistently and met over time is an important accomplishment. We need to experience essential survival needs, needs for safety and security, of affiliation a…

Officials Report First Zika Death in Puerto Rico


Scientists aren’t sure exactly what triggered widespread infections in the Americas


Scientists aren’t sure exactly what triggered widespread infections in the Americas

Mind Over Matter? Mindfulness Meditation For Pain Management


Pain is subjective. It is a sensory and emotional experience that can be influenced by countless factors, ranging from expectations to mood or even faith. Chronic pain can be highly despairing and significantly affect one’s quality of life and emotional state. The currently available analgesic treatments don’t always work, and pain researchers keep searching for more effective options for pain management.

In the last decades, there have been many studies proposing that mindfulness meditation can reduce pain and improve health, both in experimental and in clinical contexts.

Mindfulness meditation is a cognitive practice that involves paying full attention to whatever internal and external experiences are occurring in the present moment, as you experience them. It is a technique that combines focused attention on breathing with objective non-judgmental acceptance of a…


Pain is subjective. It is a sensory and emotional experience that can be influenced by countless factors, ranging from expectations to mood or even faith. Chronic pain can be highly despairing and significantly affect one’s quality of life and emotional state. The currently available analgesic treatments don’t always work, and pain researchers keep searching for more effective options for pain management.

In the last decades, there have been many studies proposing that mindfulness meditation can reduce pain and improve health, both in experimental and in clinical contexts.

Mindfulness meditation is a cognitive practice that involves paying full attention to whatever internal and external experiences are occurring in the present moment, as you experience them. It is a technique that combines focused attention on breathing with objective non-judgmental acceptance of a…

Meet NIA’s Director of Management


Every NIH institute has an executive responsible for managing its business organization. This is someone who keeps computer systems, buildings, human resources, contracts, and budget operations running, someone who makes or administers policies. If I was on your campus, I might be called the Chief Business Officer….


Every NIH institute has an executive responsible for managing its business organization. This is someone who keeps computer systems, buildings, human resources, contracts, and budget operations running, someone who makes or administers policies. If I was on your campus, I might be called the Chief Business Officer….

Making the scientific case for your research aims: it’s vital!


For scientists writing NIH grant applications, the aims are THE THING.
The applicant calls the program officer: “What do you think of these aims?”
The program officer listens and senses the enthusiasm. Later, however, when the aims get stated in the language of the grant application, the enthusiasm has been drained away, and the importance of the aims has been obscured by a wordy style of writing and a lack of focus. The program officer tries to be helpful by suggesting that it is important to make the reviewers enthusiastic about the proposed work….


For scientists writing NIH grant applications, the aims are THE THING.
The applicant calls the program officer: “What do you think of these aims?”
The program officer listens and senses the enthusiasm. Later, however, when the aims get stated in the language of the grant application, the enthusiasm has been drained away, and the importance of the aims has been obscured by a wordy style of writing and a lack of focus. The program officer tries to be helpful by suggesting that it is important to make the reviewers enthusiastic about the proposed work….

Nelotanserin for REM Sleep Behavior Disorder in Dementia with Lewy Bodies



Purpose: To evaluate nelotanserin as a possible treatment for REM sleep behavior disorder in people with dementia with Lewy bodies.



Purpose: To evaluate nelotanserin as a possible treatment for REM sleep behavior disorder in people with dementia with Lewy bodies.

Neurological Basis of Altruism


Altruistic behavior is often seen as a hallmark of civilized person. Defined as a selfless concern for the well-being of others, or action/behavior that benefits others at someone’s own expense, altruism was, for very long time, viewed from two opposite perspectives.

Some would argue that altruism is an integral part of human nature, something that is written in our genes. Others would say that altruism is a product of civilizing influence which start to appear in human society with the development of culture and/or religion. The question appears to be mostly philosophical rather than scientific, and indeed it was mostly discussed and analyzed in philosophical and theological circles. Surprisingly, more definitive answer to this question may come from neuroscience. Indeed, recent research findings provide convincing evidences that, to a certain degree, we are biologically p…


Altruistic behavior is often seen as a hallmark of civilized person. Defined as a selfless concern for the well-being of others, or action/behavior that benefits others at someone’s own expense, altruism was, for very long time, viewed from two opposite perspectives.

Some would argue that altruism is an integral part of human nature, something that is written in our genes. Others would say that altruism is a product of civilizing influence which start to appear in human society with the development of culture and/or religion. The question appears to be mostly philosophical rather than scientific, and indeed it was mostly discussed and analyzed in philosophical and theological circles. Surprisingly, more definitive answer to this question may come from neuroscience. Indeed, recent research findings provide convincing evidences that, to a certain degree, we are biologically p…

AVP-786 for Agitation in Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type



Purpose: To test the experimental drug AVP-786 as a treatment for agitation in people with Alzheimer's dementia.



Purpose: To test the experimental drug AVP-786 as a treatment for agitation in people with Alzheimer's dementia.

What to Eat and When


What foods to eat and when to eat them for better weight loss results, better sleep habits, higher energy levels and more….


What foods to eat and when to eat them for better weight loss results, better sleep habits, higher energy levels and more….

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