
Heatwaves and Senior Health


Heatwaves may not be behind us, especially for older people – and your medications could be a factor in your heat sensitivity.

The post Heatwaves and Senior Health appeared first on Senior Planet.


Heatwaves may not be behind us, especially for older people – and your medications could be a factor in your heat sensitivity.

The post Heatwaves and Senior Health appeared first on Senior Planet.

How Accepting That We’re Ordinary Opens Us Up to Love


“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” ~C.S. Lewis

I was talking to a mentor of mine several months ago, and they cut me off midsentence and said, “Zach, it sounds like you’re trying to be extraordinary. How about you just work at being ordinary?”

I paused then promptly broke into tears. Yep. Tears. Not ashamed to admit that.

Tears because the meat of the conversation was about self-worth and being enough. In that moment my deepest childhood wound was tapped into, and ordinary sounded horrible to me.

Who wants to be ordinary? Not this guy.

My mentor asked what was coming up for me, and I said my mom. Let me explain.

My mom was a celebrity. She was an Emmy award winning actress that was on th…


“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” ~C.S. Lewis

I was talking to a mentor of mine several months ago, and they cut me off midsentence and said, “Zach, it sounds like you’re trying to be extraordinary. How about you just work at being ordinary?”

I paused then promptly broke into tears. Yep. Tears. Not ashamed to admit that.

Tears because the meat of the conversation was about self-worth and being enough. In that moment my deepest childhood wound was tapped into, and ordinary sounded horrible to me.

Who wants to be ordinary? Not this guy.

My mentor asked what was coming up for me, and I said my mom. Let me explain.

My mom was a celebrity. She was an Emmy award winning actress that was on th…

How to Cope with a Toxic and Estranged Family Relationship


“Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be.” ~Unknown

You two are family. Maybe you grew up with them and were by their side for a huge chunk of their life. There was a lot of laughing, crying, and sharing. Some fighting too.

You know how their brain works probably better than anyone else. But sometimes, in adulthood, those closest to you can become unrecognizable—estranged, cold, and careless. For no apparent reason, you find yourself shut out of their life. Your peace-feelers are increasingly rejected. You’ve been left out in the cold.

There is always a reason why people turn out the way they do. But, sometimes the metamorphosis is so gradual that it sneaks up on you, and one day, …


“Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be.” ~Unknown

You two are family. Maybe you grew up with them and were by their side for a huge chunk of their life. There was a lot of laughing, crying, and sharing. Some fighting too.

You know how their brain works probably better than anyone else. But sometimes, in adulthood, those closest to you can become unrecognizable—estranged, cold, and careless. For no apparent reason, you find yourself shut out of their life. Your peace-feelers are increasingly rejected. You’ve been left out in the cold.

There is always a reason why people turn out the way they do. But, sometimes the metamorphosis is so gradual that it sneaks up on you, and one day, …

Metformin Remains a Poor Choice in the Treatment of Aging


Now that we find ourselves in an era in which there is growing support and funding for the treatment of aging as a medical condition, the battle ceases to be one of persuading people to take the idea seriously, and more a matter of convincing research and development concerns to focus on projects that are more likely rather than less likely to produce meaningful gains. Rejuvenation and many added years is the desired goal, not merely a gentle slowing of aging that is little better than the results of optimal exercise and diet. Unfortunately, most of the research and development community is indeed working on projects that will, at best, produce that gentle slowing of aging. A panoply of drugs and mechanisms relate to cellular stress responses, those triggered by calorie restriction and <a href="…


Now that we find ourselves in an era in which there is growing support and funding for the treatment of aging as a medical condition, the battle ceases to be one of persuading people to take the idea seriously, and more a matter of convincing research and development concerns to focus on projects that are more likely rather than less likely to produce meaningful gains. Rejuvenation and many added years is the desired goal, not merely a gentle slowing of aging that is little better than the results of optimal exercise and diet. Unfortunately, most of the research and development community is indeed working on projects that will, at best, produce that gentle slowing of aging. A panoply of drugs and mechanisms relate to cellular stress responses, those triggered by calorie restriction and <a href="…

17 Gluten-Free Appetizers for Summer Cookouts


A cookout or dinner party can be a bit of a landmine for anyone eating gluten-free. Between the hamburger buns and the pasta salads, your standard picnic fare is pretty heavy on the wheat.

Does that mean you’re going hungry while everyone else gets to gorge? Hell no. Whether you’re hosting the party or attending it, there are plenty of dishes you can make that’ll not just satisfy your food restrictions, but impress a crowd, too.

From dips and salsas (Pro tip: Bring a few bags of gluten-free chips for scooping!) to stuffed veggies, these party-ready gluten-free appetizers won’t let celiac disease (or nonceliac glute…


A cookout or dinner party can be a bit of a landmine for anyone eating gluten-free. Between the hamburger buns and the pasta salads, your standard picnic fare is pretty heavy on the wheat.

Does that mean you’re going hungry while everyone else gets to gorge? Hell no. Whether you’re hosting the party or attending it, there are plenty of dishes you can make that’ll not just satisfy your food restrictions, but impress a crowd, too.

From dips and salsas (Pro tip: Bring a few bags of gluten-free chips for scooping!) to stuffed veggies, these party-ready gluten-free appetizers won’t let celiac disease (or nonceliac glute…

Coach Jessica Squatting 365lbs Easy


.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-4{width:20% !important;margin-top : 15px;margin-bottom : 15px;}.fusion-builder-column-4 > .fusion-column-wrapper {padding-top : 0px !important;padding-right : 0px !important;margin-right : 9.6%;padding-bottom…


.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-4{width:20% !important;margin-top : 15px;margin-bottom : 15px;}.fusion-builder-column-4 > .fusion-column-wrapper {padding-top : 0px !important;padding-right : 0px !important;margin-right : 9.6%;padding-bottom…

Coach Mike Moran


.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-0{width:25% !important;margin-top : 15px;margin-bottom : 15px;}.fusion-builder-column-0 > .fusion-column-wrapper {padding-top : 0px !important;padding-right : 0px !important;margin-right : 7.68%;padding-botto…


.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-0{width:25% !important;margin-top : 15px;margin-bottom : 15px;}.fusion-builder-column-0 > .fusion-column-wrapper {padding-top : 0px !important;padding-right : 0px !important;margin-right : 7.68%;padding-botto…

Speculating on Involvement of SIRT1 and SIRT3 in the Aging of the Heart


In today’s research materials, scientists demonstrate that the combination of reduced SIRT1 and SIRT3 causes weakness in heart muscle via disruption of mitochondrial function. Mitochondria are the power plants of the cell, a herd of hundreds of bacteria-like organelles that are responsible for producing the chemical energy store molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to power cellular operations. Impairment of mitochondrial function thus results in impaired cell function, a characteristic change observed in old tissues. Mitochondrial dynamics, the balance of fusion and <a href="h…


In today’s research materials, scientists demonstrate that the combination of reduced SIRT1 and SIRT3 causes weakness in heart muscle via disruption of mitochondrial function. Mitochondria are the power plants of the cell, a herd of hundreds of bacteria-like organelles that are responsible for producing the chemical energy store molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to power cellular operations. Impairment of mitochondrial function thus results in impaired cell function, a characteristic change observed in old tissues. Mitochondrial dynamics, the balance of fusion and <a href="h…

Megan lost 15 pounds by eating MORE


Megan before and after

“I thought it was crazy at first when my coach told me to start eating more, when my goal was to lose weight.

But then I tried it. And it worked.

‘Reverse dieting’ actually helped me lose the last few stubborn pounds.”

This is Megan, a member of Nerd Fitness Coaching who is celebrating hitting her goal weight.

What’s so interesting about her story is how she did it.

Megan’s coach saw that she was hitting a wall with her lower-calorie diet.

Instead of continuing, Coach Evan proposed they try something different: eat more.



Megan before and after

“I thought it was crazy at first when my coach told me to start eating more, when my goal was to lose weight.

But then I tried it. And it worked.

‘Reverse dieting’ actually helped me lose the last few stubborn pounds.”

This is Megan, a member of Nerd Fitness Coaching who is celebrating hitting her goal weight.

What’s so interesting about her story is how she did it.

Megan’s coach saw that she was hitting a wall with her lower-calorie diet.

Instead of continuing, Coach Evan proposed they try something different: eat more.


Podcast 303 | Recluttering


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan talk about how to avoid recluttering our lives with new possessions, burdens, and obligations once we’…


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan talk about how to avoid recluttering our lives with new possessions, burdens, and obligations once we’…

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