Megan lost 15 pounds by eating MORE


Megan before and after

“I thought it was crazy at first when my coach told me to start eating more, when my goal was to lose weight.

But then I tried it. And it worked.

‘Reverse dieting’ actually helped me lose the last few stubborn pounds.”

This is Megan, a member of Nerd Fitness Coaching who is celebrating hitting her goal weight.

What’s so interesting about her story is how she did it.

Megan’s coach saw that she was hitting a wall with her lower-calorie diet.

Instead of continuing, Coach Evan proposed they try something different: eat more.



Megan before and after

“I thought it was crazy at first when my coach told me to start eating more, when my goal was to lose weight.

But then I tried it. And it worked.

‘Reverse dieting’ actually helped me lose the last few stubborn pounds.”

This is Megan, a member of Nerd Fitness Coaching who is celebrating hitting her goal weight.

What’s so interesting about her story is how she did it.

Megan’s coach saw that she was hitting a wall with her lower-calorie diet.

Instead of continuing, Coach Evan proposed they try something different: eat more.


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