How will the Clinicians, Patients and Consumers of the Future ensure appropriate use of brain enhancement methods encompassing lifestyle, supplements, brain training, meditation, bio/ neurofeedback, tDCS and more?


How will the Clinicians, Patients and Consumers of the Future ensure appropriate use of brain enhancement methods encompassing lifestyle, supplements, brain training, meditation, bio/ neurofeedback, tDCS and more? (recording requires registration; view slidedeck above or Here)

  • Dr. Eddie Martucci, Co-Founder and CEO of Akili Interactive Labs
  • Dr. Anna Wexler, science writer, filmmaker and postdoc fellow at the Department of Medic…


How will the Clinicians, Patients and Consumers of the Future ensure appropriate use of brain enhancement methods encompassing lifestyle, supplements, brain training, meditation, bio/ neurofeedback, tDCS and more? (recording requires registration; view slidedeck above or Here)

  • Dr. Eddie Martucci, Co-Founder and CEO of Akili Interactive Labs
  • Dr. Anna Wexler, science writer, filmmaker and postdoc fellow at the Department of Medic…

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