Study: Drinking up to 5–8 glasses of wine or beer a week not seen to increase dementia risk



There may be a link between alcohol and dementia, but it’s complicated (Popular Science):

“A recent article in the British Medical Journal has rekindled the scientific argument over the relationship between abstaining from alcohol and developing dementia. The study involved 9,000 civil servants working in London, all of whom were aged between 35 and 55 when the study began between 1985 and 1988. When the study ended in 1993, their average age was 50. The participants’ medical records were analyzed to identify diagnoses of dementia—more than 23 years, on average, after the study had finished. The results found that abstinence in midlife wa…



There may be a link between alcohol and dementia, but it’s complicated (Popular Science):

“A recent article in the British Medical Journal has rekindled the scientific argument over the relationship between abstaining from alcohol and developing dementia. The study involved 9,000 civil servants working in London, all of whom were aged between 35 and 55 when the study began between 1985 and 1988. When the study ended in 1993, their average age was 50. The participants’ medical records were analyzed to identify diagnoses of dementia—more than 23 years, on average, after the study had finished. The results found that abstinence in midlife wa…

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