9 Month Baby Update

Source https://www.fannetasticfood.com/9-month-baby-update/

Can you guys believe Riese is 9 months old today?! As I always say, time FLIES. Suddenly she is looking and acting a lot more like a little girl than a baby! I love it (this stage is so fun!) and hate it (this is all going by too quickly!) at the same time.

It has been awhile since I’ve done a baby check in, so I thought it would be fun to share one today!

The biggest update is that we are officially on the move – Riese just started crawling this week! She has been SO CLOSE (lots of rocking on all fours, and then getting frustrated and crying) for the past month so I knew it was only a matter of time. She took her first legit crawling movements on Tuesday, and just in the past few days she’s gotten a lot faster and able to crawl farther. Crazy how rapidly they get better at something once they figure it out! She’s happy – she used to get pretty frustrated trying to crawl and not being able to.

<img class="aligncenter wp-image-58729 size-large" src="https://www.fannetasticfood.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/7…

Source https://www.fannetasticfood.com/9-month-baby-update/

Can you guys believe Riese is 9 months old today?! As I always say, time FLIES. Suddenly she is looking and acting a lot more like a little girl than a baby! I love it (this stage is so fun!) and hate it (this is all going by too quickly!) at the same time.

It has been awhile since I’ve done a baby check in, so I thought it would be fun to share one today!

The biggest update is that we are officially on the move – Riese just started crawling this week! She has been SO CLOSE (lots of rocking on all fours, and then getting frustrated and crying) for the past month so I knew it was only a matter of time. She took her first legit crawling movements on Tuesday, and just in the past few days she’s gotten a lot faster and able to crawl farther. Crazy how rapidly they get better at something once they figure it out! She’s happy – she used to get pretty frustrated trying to crawl and not being able to.

<img class="aligncenter wp-image-58729 size-large" src="https://www.fannetasticfood.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/7…

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