To reduce heart disease and stroke risks, regulate stress and improve brain health



How stress may increase risk of heart disease and stroke (ScienceDaily):

“Heightened activity in the amygdala — a region of the brain involved in stress — is associated with a greater risk of heart disease and stroke, according to a study published in The Lancet that provides new insights into the possible mechanism by which stress can lead to cardiovascular disease in humans…In this study, 293 patients were given a combined PET/CT scan to record their brain, bone marrow and spleen activity and inflammation of their arteries. The patients …



How stress may increase risk of heart disease and stroke (ScienceDaily):

“Heightened activity in the amygdala — a region of the brain involved in stress — is associated with a greater risk of heart disease and stroke, according to a study published in The Lancet that provides new insights into the possible mechanism by which stress can lead to cardiovascular disease in humans…In this study, 293 patients were given a combined PET/CT scan to record their brain, bone marrow and spleen activity and inflammation of their arteries. The patients …

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