Sharath Jois 2022 U.S. Tour


Sonima is excited to announce that Paramaguru Sharath Jois is once again coming to the U.S. to share his wisdom and experience with his students live.

Sharathji will travel from Mysore, India, to visit Miami and San Antonio in May and June.

In Miami he will be hosted by the Miami Life Center. The first week, May 25-29, will include two five-day Primary Series Workshops, including a conference. The following week in Miami, Jois will teach a very special five-day Mysore style workshop, including three traditional Mysore style classes, one Led Intermediate class, and one Led Primary class.

For this five-day Mysore style workshop, students will need to apply and must have previously practiced with Jois in his Yoga Shala in Mysore.

The workshop in San Antonio later in June will be a three-day Led Primary Series workshop open to all and hosted by iDoYoga San Antonio as part of the Eighth Annual International Day of Yoga.

These events have limited capacit…


Sonima is excited to announce that Paramaguru Sharath Jois is once again coming to the U.S. to share his wisdom and experience with his students live.

Sharathji will travel from Mysore, India, to visit Miami and San Antonio in May and June.

In Miami he will be hosted by the Miami Life Center. The first week, May 25-29, will include two five-day Primary Series Workshops, including a conference. The following week in Miami, Jois will teach a very special five-day Mysore style workshop, including three traditional Mysore style classes, one Led Intermediate class, and one Led Primary class.

For this five-day Mysore style workshop, students will need to apply and must have previously practiced with Jois in his Yoga Shala in Mysore.

The workshop in San Antonio later in June will be a three-day Led Primary Series workshop open to all and hosted by iDoYoga San Antonio as part of the Eighth Annual International Day of Yoga.

These events have limited capacit…

The Two Sides of Gratitude: When It Helps Us and When It Hurts Us


“When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.” ~Shauna Niequist

Imagine if you had a tool that, with no effort or change on your part, could cast a glow around you, exposing hidden gems within your everyday life.

You do! It’s called gratitude.

It has the power to light your way through tough times. And it can multiply the good. Of the many tools I use daily, I love gratitude the most. It is so simple to implement and immediately effective. It’s a powerful way to change the world—through seeing, not doing.

I’ve invested a lot of thought, time, and deliberate action into creating the life I want. But building a life …


“When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.” ~Shauna Niequist

Imagine if you had a tool that, with no effort or change on your part, could cast a glow around you, exposing hidden gems within your everyday life.

You do! It’s called gratitude.

It has the power to light your way through tough times. And it can multiply the good. Of the many tools I use daily, I love gratitude the most. It is so simple to implement and immediately effective. It’s a powerful way to change the world—through seeing, not doing.

I’ve invested a lot of thought, time, and deliberate action into creating the life I want. But building a life …

Modest Life Extension in Mice via CD38 Inhibition


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in the context of aging and mitochondrial function has turned into a fairly energetic area of study. NAD is a crucial element in the mitochondrial production of the chemical energy store molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but levels decline with age for a variety of reasons, and this contributes to loss of mitochondrial function. The characteristic changes in gene expression that take place with age lead to reduced production and recycling of NAD via various pathways. Further, CD38 acts to break down NAD and levels of CD38 increase with age.

Why does CD38 production increase with age? Research suggests that this is <a…


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in the context of aging and mitochondrial function has turned into a fairly energetic area of study. NAD is a crucial element in the mitochondrial production of the chemical energy store molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but levels decline with age for a variety of reasons, and this contributes to loss of mitochondrial function. The characteristic changes in gene expression that take place with age lead to reduced production and recycling of NAD via various pathways. Further, CD38 acts to break down NAD and levels of CD38 increase with age.

Why does CD38 production increase with age? Research suggests that this is <a…

7 Ways You Can Create a Welcoming Space for Your Sober Friends


Ivan Gener/Stocksy

In many cultures, learning to drink — well and responsibly — is a rite of passage that marks the transition from adolescence into true adulthood.

But for some people, growing up means realizing that alcohol shouldn’t be a part of one’s life at all

According to the National Institute of Health, more than 14 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder, while Alcoholics Anonymous estimates more than 1.3 million Americans in it…


Ivan Gener/Stocksy

In many cultures, learning to drink — well and responsibly — is a rite of passage that marks the transition from adolescence into true adulthood.

But for some people, growing up means realizing that alcohol shouldn’t be a part of one’s life at all

According to the National Institute of Health, more than 14 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder, while Alcoholics Anonymous estimates more than 1.3 million Americans in it…

Out, Damned Spot! 9 Best Age Spot Treatments


Notice a few new smooth, dark spots on your skin this year? Don’t be alarmed — they’re prolly just age spots. 

Also known as liver spots or lentigines, these hyperpigmentation spots develop in response to too much fun in the sun. The good news is that they’re usually harmless.

But even though they don’t need fixing, you might not love the way they look. In that case, there are safe and effective age spot treatments to help reduce their visibility.

person applying age spots treatment to face<figcap…


Notice a few new smooth, dark spots on your skin this year? Don’t be alarmed — they’re prolly just age spots. 

Also known as liver spots or lentigines, these hyperpigmentation spots develop in response to too much fun in the sun. The good news is that they’re usually harmless.

But even though they don’t need fixing, you might not love the way they look. In that case, there are safe and effective age spot treatments to help reduce their visibility.

person applying age spots treatment to face<figcap…

Here’s How to Clean Your Dishwasher — It Gets Filthier Than You Think


Plate in dishwasher on blue background
Design by Wenzdai Figueroa

It almost seems redundant to clean a dishwasher. They’re designed to clean dishes — so shouldn’t they be self-cleaning? Sadly, they’re not.

How to clean your dishwasher: A quick guide

Here’s how to keep your dishwasher sparkly:

  1. Clean the drain.
  2. Wash the filter.
  3. Run a wash cycle with vinegar.
  4. Run a wash cycle with baking soda.
  5. Wipe the rubber seal ar…


Plate in dishwasher on blue background
Design by Wenzdai Figueroa

It almost seems redundant to clean a dishwasher. They’re designed to clean dishes — so shouldn’t they be self-cleaning? Sadly, they’re not.

How to clean your dishwasher: A quick guide

Here’s how to keep your dishwasher sparkly:

  1. Clean the drain.
  2. Wash the filter.
  3. Run a wash cycle with vinegar.
  4. Run a wash cycle with baking soda.
  5. Wipe the rubber seal ar…

7 Tips for Making Amazing Kimchi at Home


There is no end-all-be-all kimchi recipe. But If you want to learn how to make kimchi, the process can be easy.

In fact, DIY kimchi may be one of the more accessible at-home food projects out there: It doesn’t require much more than some basic ingredients, the lidded crock or container of your choosing, and time. Should be simple enough, right?

Well, with so many variables going on, right down to the molecular level, the line between kimchi that’s brilliantly funky and fermented,&nbsp…


There is no end-all-be-all kimchi recipe. But If you want to learn how to make kimchi, the process can be easy.

In fact, DIY kimchi may be one of the more accessible at-home food projects out there: It doesn’t require much more than some basic ingredients, the lidded crock or container of your choosing, and time. Should be simple enough, right?

Well, with so many variables going on, right down to the molecular level, the line between kimchi that’s brilliantly funky and fermented,&nbsp…

The 9 Best Mattresses for Your Space-Saving Murphy Bed


Is your bed taking up too much space? Enter: The Murphy bed. This unique design can be stored against a wall and pulled down when you’re ready to slay your sleep.

But what kind of mattress are you supposed to pair with your space-saving sleep setup? We’ve got you covered with a list of the nine best mattresses for Murphy beds — plus tips to help you pick the right one for you.

The 9 best mattresses for Murphy beds


Is your bed taking up too much space? Enter: The Murphy bed. This unique design can be stored against a wall and pulled down when you’re ready to slay your sleep.

But what kind of mattress are you supposed to pair with your space-saving sleep setup? We’ve got you covered with a list of the nine best mattresses for Murphy beds — plus tips to help you pick the right one for you.

The 9 best mattresses for Murphy beds

Tranexamic Acid for Skin: Everything You Need to Know


From brightening vitamin C to exfoliating lactic acid, using acids in skin care is nothing new. But what about tranexamic acid for skin?

Tranexamic acid is a medication prescribed to treat heavy bleeding, but it’s also a rising skin care star used to treat melasma and other hyperpigmentation.

Sussing out skin care isn’t always easy. So, before you jump on the tranexamic acid train, there are some major factors to consider.

<img loading="lazy" width="1297" height="729" src="×728-header_body.jpg" alt="pe…


From brightening vitamin C to exfoliating lactic acid, using acids in skin care is nothing new. But what about tranexamic acid for skin?

Tranexamic acid is a medication prescribed to treat heavy bleeding, but it’s also a rising skin care star used to treat melasma and other hyperpigmentation.

Sussing out skin care isn’t always easy. So, before you jump on the tranexamic acid train, there are some major factors to consider.

<img loading="lazy" width="1297" height="729" src="×728-header_body.jpg" alt="pe…

Fight Aging! Newsletter, March 28th 2022


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • Partially Inhibiting Mitochondrial Complex I as an Approach to Therapy
  • Heterochromatin Loss and Tr…


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • Partially Inhibiting Mitochondrial Complex I as an Approach to Therapy
  • Heterochromatin Loss and Tr…

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