7 Lessons to Remember When Life Seems to Suck

Source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/4d_4V_QuY9E/

cloud raining on person illustration , vector

“I’m grateful for past betrayals, heartaches, and challenges… I thought they were breaking me; but they were sculpting me.” ~Steve Maraboli

I winced in pain as I climbed off the elliptical. This was one of the few times that I had ever set foot into a gym. And it was out of necessity rather than choice.

That necessity came from chronic lower back and leg pain, which I had been living with for the better part of six months. At the time, I didn’t know it would end up being just chronic, idiopathic pain.

All I knew was that it hurt, and I was limping with every step I took.

The pain had a definite impact on my quality of life.

For those first two years I could rarely sit for more than five minutes at a time, as a burning sensation would soon envelop my hip and thigh area, making it uncomfortable. The only way to alleviate the sensation was to stand. This was difficult for me, as I am an engineer who makes his living in front of the computer.

In my quest to get better I saw enough specialists to count on both hands. Because I lived in a small town, they were often two-and-a-half to three-and-a-half hours by car, one way! Imagine the challenges of trying to sit in a car for that long…

Source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/4d_4V_QuY9E/

cloud raining on person illustration , vector

“I’m grateful for past betrayals, heartaches, and challenges… I thought they were breaking me; but they were sculpting me.” ~Steve Maraboli

I winced in pain as I climbed off the elliptical. This was one of the few times that I had ever set foot into a gym. And it was out of necessity rather than choice.

That necessity came from chronic lower back and leg pain, which I had been living with for the better part of six months. At the time, I didn’t know it would end up being just chronic, idiopathic pain.

All I knew was that it hurt, and I was limping with every step I took.

The pain had a definite impact on my quality of life.

For those first two years I could rarely sit for more than five minutes at a time, as a burning sensation would soon envelop my hip and thigh area, making it uncomfortable. The only way to alleviate the sensation was to stand. This was difficult for me, as I am an engineer who makes his living in front of the computer.

In my quest to get better I saw enough specialists to count on both hands. Because I lived in a small town, they were often two-and-a-half to three-and-a-half hours by car, one way! Imagine the challenges of trying to sit in a car for that long…

What It's Really Like to Live With the STD Everyone Jokes About

Source http://greatist.com/live/herpes-what-its-like-to-live-with-the-std-everyone-jokes-about?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

What It's Like to Live With Herpes Five months into my relationship with my then-boyfriend, I found a single blister-like sore above the entrance to my vagina. It hurt so badly and was unlike anything I had seen on my body before, so I made an appointment with my doctor for the following day.

“The swab came back positive for genital herpes, type 1,” my doctor told me. I couldn’t breathe. I started crying. My brain was unable to process what had just happened.

“How!?” I asked through sobs. I knew nothing about herpes—just that it was incurable.

I did everything right when it came to sex. I routinely got tested for STIs. I made my partners use condoms. I had open and—as far as I knew—honest conversations with them about sexual health.

Which made me even more confused about my diagnosis. But then my doctor told me that a standard STI panel doesn’t include a herpes test. Many doctors don’t like to test for it unless you have a visible sore they can swab. (Editor’s…

Source http://greatist.com/live/herpes-what-its-like-to-live-with-the-std-everyone-jokes-about?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

What It's Like to Live With Herpes Five months into my relationship with my then-boyfriend, I found a single blister-like sore above the entrance to my vagina. It hurt so badly and was unlike anything I had seen on my body before, so I made an appointment with my doctor for the following day.

“The swab came back positive for genital herpes, type 1,” my doctor told me. I couldn’t breathe. I started crying. My brain was unable to process what had just happened.

“How!?” I asked through sobs. I knew nothing about herpes—just that it was incurable.

I did everything right when it came to sex. I routinely got tested for STIs. I made my partners use condoms. I had open and—as far as I knew—honest conversations with them about sexual health.

Which made me even more confused about my diagnosis. But then my doctor told me that a standard STI panel doesn’t include a herpes test. Many doctors don’t like to test for it unless you have a visible sore they can swab. (Editor’s…

5 reasons to love autumn running

Source http://www.thefitbits.com/2016/10/5-reasons-to-love-autumn-running.html

I don’t really like running in the summer. It’s too hot, I don’t tend to have any big races to train for (read – can’t be arsed), and I’m usually pretty busy with far too many adventures on the bike(s).

Autumn though. Ain’t it spesh. 

For me, running season really kicks off when the tempe…

Source http://www.thefitbits.com/2016/10/5-reasons-to-love-autumn-running.html

I don’t really like running in the summer. It’s too hot, I don’t tend to have any big races to train for (read – can’t be arsed), and I’m usually pretty busy with far too many adventures on the bike(s).

Autumn though. Ain’t it spesh. 

For me, running season really kicks off when the tempe…

In Jerusalem And West Bank, Nutella Cafes Offer A Sweet Refuge

Source http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/10/21/497688989/in-jerusalem-and-west-bank-nutella-cafes-offer-a-sweet-refuge?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=thesalt

A Nutella crepe at a shop in the Shuafat Palestinian refugee camp in East Jerusalem. The shop is one of several such cafés to pop up across Jerusalem and the West Bank over the last two years.

Miriam Berger /For NPR

A group of teenage girls in school uniforms giggle as they share crepes topped with candy and chocolate sauce and oozing hazelnut Nutella. It’s a Saturday afternoon and the girls are at the new Nutella shop in Jerusalem’s Shuafat Palestinian refugee camp.

The scene is rare in this densely populated and impoverished urban camp. The potholed street outside the café is tense and crowded, as a group of little Palestinian schoolboys fight alongside zigzagging traffic.

But inside the shop, it’s bright and quiet. The décor is an ode to Nutella, with a localized twist. The walls are adorned with large photos o…

Source http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/10/21/497688989/in-jerusalem-and-west-bank-nutella-cafes-offer-a-sweet-refuge?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=thesalt

A Nutella crepe at a shop in the Shuafat Palestinian refugee camp in East Jerusalem. The shop is one of several such cafés to pop up across Jerusalem and the West Bank over the last two years.

Miriam Berger /For NPR

A group of teenage girls in school uniforms giggle as they share crepes topped with candy and chocolate sauce and oozing hazelnut Nutella. It’s a Saturday afternoon and the girls are at the new Nutella shop in Jerusalem’s Shuafat Palestinian refugee camp.

The scene is rare in this densely populated and impoverished urban camp. The potholed street outside the café is tense and crowded, as a group of little Palestinian schoolboys fight alongside zigzagging traffic.

But inside the shop, it’s bright and quiet. The décor is an ode to Nutella, with a localized twist. The walls are adorned with large photos o…

These Hilarious Comics Nail What It's Like to Live With a Disability in 2016

Source http://greatist.com/live/hilarious-comics-nail-what-its-like-to-live-with-a-disability-in-2016?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

Two sisters are putting a hilarious spin on the crap people with disabilities have to put up with in 2016. Jessica and Lianna Oddi, two illustrators who use wheelchairs, created a blog called The Disabled Life to show what it’s actually like to deal with everyday situations (including Tinder) when you have a disability.

“To be honest, it really started as a way to share our personal experiences in a funny way,” Jessica told Refinery 29. “But as it continues to grow, our underlying goal is to help make disabilities a common topic. It’s 2016; we can all talk about diversity, share our thoughts, and treat everyone like human beings!” Check out some of the powerful comics below:

the disabled life

the disabled life

<span class="media media-element-container media-g_full_…

Source http://greatist.com/live/hilarious-comics-nail-what-its-like-to-live-with-a-disability-in-2016?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

Two sisters are putting a hilarious spin on the crap people with disabilities have to put up with in 2016. Jessica and Lianna Oddi, two illustrators who use wheelchairs, created a blog called The Disabled Life to show what it’s actually like to deal with everyday situations (including Tinder) when you have a disability.

“To be honest, it really started as a way to share our personal experiences in a funny way,” Jessica told Refinery 29. “But as it continues to grow, our underlying goal is to help make disabilities a common topic. It’s 2016; we can all talk about diversity, share our thoughts, and treat everyone like human beings!” Check out some of the powerful comics below:

the disabled life

the disabled life

<span class="media media-element-container media-g_full_…

The Deception of “Lose Weight Fast” Plans (And What You Can Do About It)

Source http://www.bornfitness.com/lose-weight-fast/

There’s a “trapdoor” in the fat loss process that explains why you oftentimes cycle through many different approaches without results. It’s subtle enough that you don’t even recognize when you are standing on the trigger, especially if you’re trying to lose weight fast.

Here’s how it works: if you’ve ever tried to drop more than a few pounds or really change the way you look, there comes a time when you have to make a choice: continue to believe in a process that is clearly not working, or look for better options for your goals.

You probably choose option B — correctly — but it leaves you vulnerable to the trapdoor. When you’re trying to lose weight fast, it’s easy to become frustrated by a lack of progress and go searching for alternative options that make sense. You inevitably stumble upon theories about inflammation, food allergies, not enough “good” fats, a lack of superfoods, how eating breakfast is the problem…or is it avoiding breakfast and fasting?

The list goes on and on. Y…

Source http://www.bornfitness.com/lose-weight-fast/

There’s a “trapdoor” in the fat loss process that explains why you oftentimes cycle through many different approaches without results. It’s subtle enough that you don’t even recognize when you are standing on the trigger, especially if you’re trying to lose weight fast.

Here’s how it works: if you’ve ever tried to drop more than a few pounds or really change the way you look, there comes a time when you have to make a choice: continue to believe in a process that is clearly not working, or look for better options for your goals.

You probably choose option B — correctly — but it leaves you vulnerable to the trapdoor. When you’re trying to lose weight fast, it’s easy to become frustrated by a lack of progress and go searching for alternative options that make sense. You inevitably stumble upon theories about inflammation, food allergies, not enough “good” fats, a lack of superfoods, how eating breakfast is the problem…or is it avoiding breakfast and fasting?

The list goes on and on. Y…

These NSFW Photos Get Super Real About the Before and After of Extreme Weight Loss

Source http://greatist.com/live/extreme-weight-loss-photos-that-get-super-real?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

Extreme weight loss is a life-altering experience—both physically and emotionally. For Samantha Geballe, a photographer from California, gastric bypass surgery made her “two adults smaller,” but it was not an automatic path to happiness. The photographer documented her entire weight-loss process through self-portraits. But her photos are unlike any other before-and-afters you’ve seen—and no, it’s not because they’re nude.

Gebelle told Refinery29 that the photos were her way of coming to terms with her new body. “It became a way of being kind to myself,” she said. “I continue to photograph myself now because I need to see… I want to understand and accept myself.” We are so moved by the raw, honest emotion captured in each shot. Its what makes the photos relatable to anyone who’s ever struggled to accept their body—even if their story isn’t quite the same:

<img class="media-element file-g-full-width-inline-image" src="http://greatist.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_main/public/s…

Source http://greatist.com/live/extreme-weight-loss-photos-that-get-super-real?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

Extreme weight loss is a life-altering experience—both physically and emotionally. For Samantha Geballe, a photographer from California, gastric bypass surgery made her “two adults smaller,” but it was not an automatic path to happiness. The photographer documented her entire weight-loss process through self-portraits. But her photos are unlike any other before-and-afters you’ve seen—and no, it’s not because they’re nude.

Gebelle told Refinery29 that the photos were her way of coming to terms with her new body. “It became a way of being kind to myself,” she said. “I continue to photograph myself now because I need to see… I want to understand and accept myself.” We are so moved by the raw, honest emotion captured in each shot. Its what makes the photos relatable to anyone who’s ever struggled to accept their body—even if their story isn’t quite the same:

<img class="media-element file-g-full-width-inline-image" src="http://greatist.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_main/public/s…

Dealing with Rejection: It Doesn’t Mean That You’re Not Good Enough

Source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/HCX3I65A3NU/

“The best way out is always through” ~Robert Frost

I was trembling as I hung up the phone. He’d dumped me.

It was as if, while I was watching a murder mystery at the edge of my seat, the electricity had gone out. Poof! I wasn’t going to get to see the end of the movie, and I had no control over when the lights would come back on.

I felt the fangs of rejection sink into my heart like a merciless tarantula. My mind, which is normally going 500 miles an hour, came to a halt. Suddenly I felt nothing. Frozen. I had no thoughts. Total shock. The poison of the rejection spider slowly oozed into my bloodstream, paralyzing me in my seat.

“Get up! Get up now!” I heard the voice in my mind say. For some reason, it seemed as if moving could unfreeze my emotions.

I did get up, but stood there as if I was listening to the strange noises coming from the kitchen in the middle of the night. Waiting for someone to tell me that I was “punked” and that he was going to call me back to tell me that it was just a silly joke. Then we were going to make up and live happily ever after. That did not happen.

“We create what we defend against.” ~Marianne Williamson

We had a few close breakup calls before, and I always felt l…

Source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/HCX3I65A3NU/

“The best way out is always through” ~Robert Frost

I was trembling as I hung up the phone. He’d dumped me.

It was as if, while I was watching a murder mystery at the edge of my seat, the electricity had gone out. Poof! I wasn’t going to get to see the end of the movie, and I had no control over when the lights would come back on.

I felt the fangs of rejection sink into my heart like a merciless tarantula. My mind, which is normally going 500 miles an hour, came to a halt. Suddenly I felt nothing. Frozen. I had no thoughts. Total shock. The poison of the rejection spider slowly oozed into my bloodstream, paralyzing me in my seat.

“Get up! Get up now!” I heard the voice in my mind say. For some reason, it seemed as if moving could unfreeze my emotions.

I did get up, but stood there as if I was listening to the strange noises coming from the kitchen in the middle of the night. Waiting for someone to tell me that I was “punked” and that he was going to call me back to tell me that it was just a silly joke. Then we were going to make up and live happily ever after. That did not happen.

“We create what we defend against.” ~Marianne Williamson

We had a few close breakup calls before, and I always felt l…

French Sexologists Mowed a Giant Clit Into a Field So You'll Never Struggle to Find It Again

Source http://greatist.com/live/french-sexologists-mow-giant-clitoris-into-a-field?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

In the mood for some hilarious news? ::everyone raises hand::
Here we go: Fed up with the way sex-ed and biology textbooks cover ignore female pleasure, French sexologists Marie-Noelle Lanuit and Jean-Claude decided to mow a giant clit into a field next to a high school (naturally). Their 400-foot creation is part of a campaign to help raise awareness around female sexuality, and although some locals thought it was an octopus, we got the awesome message loud and clear:

giant clit in france
Photo: Marie-Noëlle Lanuit and Jean-Claude Piquard

“[The clitoris] is sometimes named, but it is never drawn in textbooks in the complete form. In books it is usually presented as a small bean,” Lanuit told French newspaper Midi-Libre. Which is why French people are making major moves (like making <a href="http://greatist.com/live/fren…

Source http://greatist.com/live/french-sexologists-mow-giant-clitoris-into-a-field?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

In the mood for some hilarious news? ::everyone raises hand::
Here we go: Fed up with the way sex-ed and biology textbooks cover ignore female pleasure, French sexologists Marie-Noelle Lanuit and Jean-Claude decided to mow a giant clit into a field next to a high school (naturally). Their 400-foot creation is part of a campaign to help raise awareness around female sexuality, and although some locals thought it was an octopus, we got the awesome message loud and clear:

giant clit in france
Photo: Marie-Noëlle Lanuit and Jean-Claude Piquard

“[The clitoris] is sometimes named, but it is never drawn in textbooks in the complete form. In books it is usually presented as a small bean,” Lanuit told French newspaper Midi-Libre. Which is why French people are making major moves (like making <a href="http://greatist.com/live/fren…

Foods to Boost Immunity: Part One

Source http://refineryfitnesspdx.com/foods-to-boost-immunity-part-one/

We are experiencing crazy, crazy weather here in Portland!  I hope everyone is remaining safe and dry!  As the weather has changed, I have had more and more people talk to me about being sick.  With that in mind, it seemed liked a good time to start a series on how to boost your immune system through food.  Your immune system is your body’s natural defense system against foreign invaders like parasites, bacteria, viruses, microbes and toxins.  It is designed to differentiate the cells that make up your body and eliminate the ones that are foreign.   Your body uses an army of white blood cells to defend itself.   Macrophages, a type of white blood cell found in almost all cells of the body, are constantly patrolling your body, looking to destroy any germs as soon as they enter. These cells are considered your ‘natural’ or inborn immunity. However, if an infection begins to take hold, your body fights back with the more powerful, specialized T- and B-cells. These cells give you acquired immunity because they remember the germs that attacked you in the past, so that same germ can never make you as ill again.  Nourishing your immune system is very important for your overall health.

Foods to Boost Immunity

  1. Improve Your Gut Health:  Your gut is an important line of defense against foreign invaders.  It fights any food born bacteria or parasites.  Adding fermented foods and beverages like kombucha, kefir, yogurt, saue…

Source http://refineryfitnesspdx.com/foods-to-boost-immunity-part-one/

We are experiencing crazy, crazy weather here in Portland!  I hope everyone is remaining safe and dry!  As the weather has changed, I have had more and more people talk to me about being sick.  With that in mind, it seemed liked a good time to start a series on how to boost your immune system through food.  Your immune system is your body’s natural defense system against foreign invaders like parasites, bacteria, viruses, microbes and toxins.  It is designed to differentiate the cells that make up your body and eliminate the ones that are foreign.   Your body uses an army of white blood cells to defend itself.   Macrophages, a type of white blood cell found in almost all cells of the body, are constantly patrolling your body, looking to destroy any germs as soon as they enter. These cells are considered your ‘natural’ or inborn immunity. However, if an infection begins to take hold, your body fights back with the more powerful, specialized T- and B-cells. These cells give you acquired immunity because they remember the germs that attacked you in the past, so that same germ can never make you as ill again.  Nourishing your immune system is very important for your overall health.

Foods to Boost Immunity

  1. Improve Your Gut Health:  Your gut is an important line of defense against foreign invaders.  It fights any food born bacteria or parasites.  Adding fermented foods and beverages like kombucha, kefir, yogurt, saue…

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