About a year ago, I received an email from a girl I went to college with. We weren’t really friends, but we had a few classes together and were Facebook friends–so we knew of each other.
She had seen the Facebook page for my business, read some of my blog posts, and reached out to me to see if I could help her lose weight. Ecstatic, I said yes.
And just like that, she’d become my first online coaching client. The rest, as the tired cliché goes, is history.
Since then, my online coaching business has grown a lot, and with it, so has my knowledge and opinions of both coaching and running an online business. If you’re thinking about moving your business online, allow me to first share some key insights about making the jump to digital.
1. The experience gained from coaching in a gym first is indispensable.
If you want to be a good online coach, you need experience coaching people in real life. Frankly, I don’t like coaching people in person as much as I do coaching them online, but the experience of working with real people and in a professional environment taught me three main things.
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-14698" src="htt…
About a year ago, I received an email from a girl I went to college with. We weren’t really friends, but we had a few classes together and were Facebook friends–so we knew of each other.
She had seen the Facebook page for my business, read some of my blog posts, and reached out to me to see if I could help her lose weight. Ecstatic, I said yes.
And just like that, she’d become my first online coaching client. The rest, as the tired cliché goes, is history.
Since then, my online coaching business has grown a lot, and with it, so has my knowledge and opinions of both coaching and running an online business. If you’re thinking about moving your business online, allow me to first share some key insights about making the jump to digital.
1. The experience gained from coaching in a gym first is indispensable.
If you want to be a good online coach, you need experience coaching people in real life. Frankly, I don’t like coaching people in person as much as I do coaching them online, but the experience of working with real people and in a professional environment taught me three main things.
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-14698" src="htt…
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