3 Things that Shouldn’t Be in Your Protein Powder (But Probably Are)

Source https://www.nomeatathlete.com/protein-powder/

Over the years, we’ve talked a lot about protein: How much you need, how to get it from food, and whether or not you should supplement.

And there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to that last question…

Although I’ve managed to get plenty of protein from whole foods for the past few years, I’ve always acknowledged that for certain people — people who want to add muscle, try to hit macronutrient levels, or just want some peace of mind — supplementing makes more sense. 

But if you take protein powder yourself, there’s one question you should most definitely know the answer to: 

What’s in your protein powder?

I started looking more closely at protein powders a few months ago, for my kids’ sake. They’re …

Source https://www.nomeatathlete.com/protein-powder/

Over the years, we’ve talked a lot about protein: How much you need, how to get it from food, and whether or not you should supplement.

And there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to that last question…

Although I’ve managed to get plenty of protein from whole foods for the past few years, I’ve always acknowledged that for certain people — people who want to add muscle, try to hit macronutrient levels, or just want some peace of mind — supplementing makes more sense. 

But if you take protein powder yourself, there’s one question you should most definitely know the answer to: 

What’s in your protein powder?

I started looking more closely at protein powders a few months ago, for my kids’ sake. They’re …

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