5 Habits of People Who DGAF What Anyone Thinks About Them

Source https://greatist.com/live/dont-care-what-anyone-thinks?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_https–greatistcom–

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No Regrets With Susie Moore

The other day, my friend Jemma called me all upset. Another mom had made a comment about her son’s hair and about her parenting style being soooo relaxed. (I’m not a mum, but one thing I do know is that you NEVER comment on another mum’s method of child-rearing!) Jemma was reeling. And I was surprised it bothered her this much.

I said, “Why are you so upset about this?”

All she could answer was, “Tom doesn’t need a haircut! What does she know about anything? Nothing, that’s what!”

I knew this probably had nothing to do with Tom. Or his haircut. It was a little power play between two women who were both probably having an off afternoon.

These kinds of comments come at us all the time—from friends, siblings, colleagues. How do we adopt the mindset and behaviors of people who don’t care so much about what other people do, think, and say? Here are some habits that serve them (that we can nab too):

They focus on their own stuff.

It’s impossible to obsess over what people think about you when you simply don’t…

Source https://greatist.com/live/dont-care-what-anyone-thinks?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_https–greatistcom–

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No Regrets With Susie Moore

The other day, my friend Jemma called me all upset. Another mom had made a comment about her son’s hair and about her parenting style being soooo relaxed. (I’m not a mum, but one thing I do know is that you NEVER comment on another mum’s method of child-rearing!) Jemma was reeling. And I was surprised it bothered her this much.

I said, “Why are you so upset about this?”

All she could answer was, “Tom doesn’t need a haircut! What does she know about anything? Nothing, that’s what!”

I knew this probably had nothing to do with Tom. Or his haircut. It was a little power play between two women who were both probably having an off afternoon.

These kinds of comments come at us all the time—from friends, siblings, colleagues. How do we adopt the mindset and behaviors of people who don’t care so much about what other people do, think, and say? Here are some habits that serve them (that we can nab too):

They focus on their own stuff.

It’s impossible to obsess over what people think about you when you simply don’t…

What Do You Think?


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