5 Ways to Appear More Confident (Instantly)

Source https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/5-ways-to-immediately-appear-more-confident/

Today I’m going to teach how you to appear more confident.

Why? Because confidence is one of the most important skills in life that you can acquire (other than learning to use the Force, obviously).

I know how important even a little bit of confidence can be in everyday situations, whether it’s negotiating with your boss for a raise, buying a car, giving a presentation, or meeting your fiance’s parents.

We’re naturally attracted to and will have our opinions swayed by those who have (or appear to have) a lot of confidence.

Nerds usually get the short en…

Source https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/5-ways-to-immediately-appear-more-confident/

Today I’m going to teach how you to appear more confident.

Why? Because confidence is one of the most important skills in life that you can acquire (other than learning to use the Force, obviously).

I know how important even a little bit of confidence can be in everyday situations, whether it’s negotiating with your boss for a raise, buying a car, giving a presentation, or meeting your fiance’s parents.

We’re naturally attracted to and will have our opinions swayed by those who have (or appear to have) a lot of confidence.

Nerds usually get the short en…

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