A New Exercise Method to Naturally Boost Your Energy

Source https://www.sonima.com/fitness/fitness-articles/elev8-your-energy-a-total-body-tune-up/

Folks, we are tired. This is probably not a (yawn!) news flash. The average American gets less sleep than 20 years ago. One-third of us report sleeping less than seven hours a night. And that doesn’t include moms with young kids, for whom anything approaching seven hours sounds like nirvana. Add increasing levels of stress to chronic sleep deprivation, and you get a national fatigue nightmare. No wonder that 15 percent of women and 10 percent of men reported low energy and being “very tired or exhausted” most days of the week in a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report from 2013.

While there are numerous valid medical reasons for fatigue and exhaustion (thyroid issues, clinical depression, poor nutrition, heart conditions, and medicine side effects, to name just a few), many of us otherwise healthy Americans still feel like we’re running on fum…

Source https://www.sonima.com/fitness/fitness-articles/elev8-your-energy-a-total-body-tune-up/

Folks, we are tired. This is probably not a (yawn!) news flash. The average American gets less sleep than 20 years ago. One-third of us report sleeping less than seven hours a night. And that doesn’t include moms with young kids, for whom anything approaching seven hours sounds like nirvana. Add increasing levels of stress to chronic sleep deprivation, and you get a national fatigue nightmare. No wonder that 15 percent of women and 10 percent of men reported low energy and being “very tired or exhausted” most days of the week in a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report from 2013.

While there are numerous valid medical reasons for fatigue and exhaustion (thyroid issues, clinical depression, poor nutrition, heart conditions, and medicine side effects, to name just a few), many of us otherwise healthy Americans still feel like we’re running on fum…

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