A New Kind of Mental Toughness

Source http://mentalitywod.com/a-new-kind-of-mental-toughness/

Mental toughness is what makes champions. That’s what we’ve all been taught anyway.

It seems like everyone believes that “tougher” is better. Leaders and coaches are always preaching about how to develop mental toughness and how people need to “toughen up.”

I think there is a huge misconception out there. If you have the wrong idea about mental toughness, your thoughts and actions towards developing it can actually be harmful.

Mental toughness is often associated with

  • The refusal to give in
  • Pushing through tough situations
  • Psychological or emotional resilience
  • Hardiness
  • Fearlessness
  • Being strong-willed

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Source http://mentalitywod.com/a-new-kind-of-mental-toughness/

Mental toughness is what makes champions. That’s what we’ve all been taught anyway.

It seems like everyone believes that “tougher” is better. Leaders and coaches are always preaching about how to develop mental toughness and how people need to “toughen up.”

I think there is a huge misconception out there. If you have the wrong idea about mental toughness, your thoughts and actions towards developing it can actually be harmful.

Mental toughness is often associated with

  • The refusal to give in
  • Pushing through tough situations
  • Psychological or emotional resilience
  • Hardiness
  • Fearlessness
  • Being strong-willed

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