A Plant-Based Athlete’s ‘Day in the Life’

Source https://www.nomeatathlete.com/plant-based-athlete-day-in-the-life/

I remember fondly, back in 2010, discovering that Tim Ferriss’ 4-Hour Body included a short section about vegan ultrarunner Scott Jurek’s diet, including his grocery list — the first we learned any of details about the Born to Run superstar’s food rituals.

Then, in 2012, Scott’s own book Eat & Run came out, with recipes at the end of each chapter.

To me, an aspiring vegan ultrarunner myself, these recipes were like gold.

The exact food a legend uses to fuel his training? Yes, please.

And that’s why in my new book, The Plant-Based Athlete (due out in just 3 days!), co-author Robert Cheeke and I dedicated a full quarter of the book to this kind of content.

After the first nine jam-packed chapters on nutrition and mindset weave in the stories of dozens of elite, pro, and Olympic plant-based athletes, the remaining 90…

Source https://www.nomeatathlete.com/plant-based-athlete-day-in-the-life/

I remember fondly, back in 2010, discovering that Tim Ferriss’ 4-Hour Body included a short section about vegan ultrarunner Scott Jurek’s diet, including his grocery list — the first we learned any of details about the Born to Run superstar’s food rituals.

Then, in 2012, Scott’s own book Eat & Run came out, with recipes at the end of each chapter.

To me, an aspiring vegan ultrarunner myself, these recipes were like gold.

The exact food a legend uses to fuel his training? Yes, please.

And that’s why in my new book, The Plant-Based Athlete (due out in just 3 days!), co-author Robert Cheeke and I dedicated a full quarter of the book to this kind of content.

After the first nine jam-packed chapters on nutrition and mindset weave in the stories of dozens of elite, pro, and Olympic plant-based athletes, the remaining 90…

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