A Stem Cell Secretome Treatment Improves Measures of Health in Old Mice

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2024/04/a-stem-cell-secretome-treatment-improves-measures-of-health-in-old-mice/

The stem cell therapy industry is evolving. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, cells remain hard to work with as a basis for therapy, and the level of standardization expected by regulators is very challenging to achieve, even for companies with very deep pockets. In the wilder world of stem cell therapies obtained via medical tourism, outcomes vary broadly from clinic to clinic and patient to patient for reasons that remain unclear. Secondly, stem cell transplantation produces benefits to aged patients primarily via the signaling produced by transplanted cells in a short time prior their destruction, rather than through any other activity of those cells.

Given these points, there is a slow shift away from using cells and towards the use of cell products such as harvest…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2024/04/a-stem-cell-secretome-treatment-improves-measures-of-health-in-old-mice/

The stem cell therapy industry is evolving. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, cells remain hard to work with as a basis for therapy, and the level of standardization expected by regulators is very challenging to achieve, even for companies with very deep pockets. In the wilder world of stem cell therapies obtained via medical tourism, outcomes vary broadly from clinic to clinic and patient to patient for reasons that remain unclear. Secondly, stem cell transplantation produces benefits to aged patients primarily via the signaling produced by transplanted cells in a short time prior their destruction, rather than through any other activity of those cells.

Given these points, there is a slow shift away from using cells and towards the use of cell products such as harvest…

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