A Thank You to Nova and ZenRock

Source http://zenrockfitness.com/2016/05/thank-nova-zen-rock/

I can’t believe that I have become a cliché-yet time and again I find myself saying things like “I have never felt better” or “I haven’t looked this good since college”.  College-that was a husband and two kids ago and over the years since college, between work, carting the kids around everywhere, and all the other millions of things that take up our time, I found myself having changed dramatically and not for the better.

Then-to get back to the clichés-I had that “aha moment” where I was looking at some family photos from a barbecue we had over the weekend and came to a picture of me sitting at the table.  I wasn’t doing anything, wasn’t gorging on cake or eating ribs, I was just sitting there.  Yet I was shocked at how little the person in the picture matched the picture of myself in my mind. That is when I decided I had to do something.  But what?  I had joined gyms in the past, but always had excuses not to go or not to stick with it.  I had never been one for dieting, I didn’t think my eating habits were that bad.  So what to do?

I had passed the ZenRock sign many times on my way into Redmond and that line “personal training” always stuck with me so I decided to check them out.  I was immediately impressed both with the facility and the staff.  From the first day of my training, I have never been the same!  I met with Nova and we discussed my goals, plans, and how to get me to where I wanted to be.  She didn’t pus…

Source http://zenrockfitness.com/2016/05/thank-nova-zen-rock/

I can’t believe that I have become a cliché-yet time and again I find myself saying things like “I have never felt better” or “I haven’t looked this good since college”.  College-that was a husband and two kids ago and over the years since college, between work, carting the kids around everywhere, and all the other millions of things that take up our time, I found myself having changed dramatically and not for the better.

Then-to get back to the clichés-I had that “aha moment” where I was looking at some family photos from a barbecue we had over the weekend and came to a picture of me sitting at the table.  I wasn’t doing anything, wasn’t gorging on cake or eating ribs, I was just sitting there.  Yet I was shocked at how little the person in the picture matched the picture of myself in my mind. That is when I decided I had to do something.  But what?  I had joined gyms in the past, but always had excuses not to go or not to stick with it.  I had never been one for dieting, I didn’t think my eating habits were that bad.  So what to do?

I had passed the ZenRock sign many times on my way into Redmond and that line “personal training” always stuck with me so I decided to check them out.  I was immediately impressed both with the facility and the staff.  From the first day of my training, I have never been the same!  I met with Nova and we discussed my goals, plans, and how to get me to where I wanted to be.  She didn’t pus…

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