Are Older Adults Getting the Most Effective Cancer Treatments?


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

As people age, cancer becomes an increasing health concern. Solid cancer tumors are cancers that don’t affect the blood and instead form tumors, or growths of abnormal cells in certain parts of the body. These solid cancer tumors mainly impact people who are 65 and older.

If you or an older loved one is diagnosed with cancer, many different factors come into play to guide treatment choices. However, leading geriatric oncologists (specialists who treat cancer in older adults) say that, p…


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Research Summary

As people age, cancer becomes an increasing health concern. Solid cancer tumors are cancers that don’t affect the blood and instead form tumors, or growths of abnormal cells in certain parts of the body. These solid cancer tumors mainly impact people who are 65 and older.

If you or an older loved one is diagnosed with cancer, many different factors come into play to guide treatment choices. However, leading geriatric oncologists (specialists who treat cancer in older adults) say that, p…

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