Assessing the Causes of Aortic Stiffening in Aged Mice


Aortic stiffness occurs with age, and produces raised blood pressure, hypertension, by sabotaging the usual feedback mechanisms that control blood pressure. Hypertension in turn results in structural damage to delicate tissues throughout the body, as well as producing further biochemical changes that encourage ventricular hypertrophy, among other forms of dysfunction. It causes enough harm that control of blood pressure can meaningfully reduce mortality even without addressing underlying causes of degenerative aging.

Why do arteries stiffen with age? As t…


Aortic stiffness occurs with age, and produces raised blood pressure, hypertension, by sabotaging the usual feedback mechanisms that control blood pressure. Hypertension in turn results in structural damage to delicate tissues throughout the body, as well as producing further biochemical changes that encourage ventricular hypertrophy, among other forms of dysfunction. It causes enough harm that control of blood pressure can meaningfully reduce mortality even without addressing underlying causes of degenerative aging.

Why do arteries stiffen with age? As t…

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