Be Extraordinary or Be Dead


Ordinary people don’t pay much attention to the science of aging. Ordinary people don’t keep an eye on the longevity industry or read scientific papers or donate funds to non-profits supporting important research. Ordinary people don’t carefully and rationally self-experiment with plausible age-slowing interventions while measuring outcomes. Ordinary people are not signed up for cryopreservation. Ordinary people are not trying to gain access to new medical therapies a decade in advance of approval by regulators, or after approval but well before widespread availability. One could say much the same for ordinary high net worth individ…


Ordinary people don’t pay much attention to the science of aging. Ordinary people don’t keep an eye on the longevity industry or read scientific papers or donate funds to non-profits supporting important research. Ordinary people don’t carefully and rationally self-experiment with plausible age-slowing interventions while measuring outcomes. Ordinary people are not signed up for cryopreservation. Ordinary people are not trying to gain access to new medical therapies a decade in advance of approval by regulators, or after approval but well before widespread availability. One could say much the same for ordinary high net worth individ…

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