Becoming Nimble at Dealing with Ever-Changing Plans


By Leo Babauta

With the world in so much flux these days, many of us are noticing how difficult it can be to deal with ever-changing plans.

It’s always been a challenge, but as with so many things, it’s become an in-your-face challenge these days.

Some people really struggle when plans are always changing — it can be frustrating and feel like there’s no solid ground under our feet. Other people seem to love having no solid plans … but their challenge is often that they can’t seem to commit to anything regular, don’t want to be tied down, and often have difficulty focusing.

Today I’m talking to those who struggle with rapidly changing plans.

What if you could learn to be nimble, flexible, resilient when plans are always changing? What if you could find focus in the middle of the chaos, and calm in the middle of the storm? What if you could learn to flow…


By Leo Babauta

With the world in so much flux these days, many of us are noticing how difficult it can be to deal with ever-changing plans.

It’s always been a challenge, but as with so many things, it’s become an in-your-face challenge these days.

Some people really struggle when plans are always changing — it can be frustrating and feel like there’s no solid ground under our feet. Other people seem to love having no solid plans … but their challenge is often that they can’t seem to commit to anything regular, don’t want to be tied down, and often have difficulty focusing.

Today I’m talking to those who struggle with rapidly changing plans.

What if you could learn to be nimble, flexible, resilient when plans are always changing? What if you could find focus in the middle of the chaos, and calm in the middle of the storm? What if you could learn to flow…

What Do You Think?


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