Building a Biomarker of Aging from Frailty Measures


A biomarker of aging is a a way to measure biological age, the burden of cell and tissue damage and consequent dysfunction. A biomarker that permitted the robust, quick, and cheap assessment of biological age would greatly speed up development of rejuvenation therapies. It would allow for rapid and cost-effective tests of many interventions, and the best interventions would quickly rise to prominence. At present the rigorous assessment of ways to intervene in the aging process is slow and expensive, as there is little alternative but to run life span studies. Even in mice that is prohibitively costly in time and funds for most research and development programs.

One of the more severe consequences of this state of affai…


A biomarker of aging is a a way to measure biological age, the burden of cell and tissue damage and consequent dysfunction. A biomarker that permitted the robust, quick, and cheap assessment of biological age would greatly speed up development of rejuvenation therapies. It would allow for rapid and cost-effective tests of many interventions, and the best interventions would quickly rise to prominence. At present the rigorous assessment of ways to intervene in the aging process is slow and expensive, as there is little alternative but to run life span studies. Even in mice that is prohibitively costly in time and funds for most research and development programs.

One of the more severe consequences of this state of affai…

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