Can wearables help you be healthier and safer?


You are increasingly likely to have a wearable — around your neck or on your wrist. You may collect your own data for your own tracking and use.  For those who see a wearable in a health context, they may be disappointed to know that their doctor doesn’t seem to care or know what to do with your heart rhythm data.  But you can gain great benefit from tracking your performance (exercise, heart rate) – competing with yourself, and feeling the satisfaction from any improvement over time.  What are the benefits of wearables today — and in the future?

Measurement matters:

  • Measure your heart rate. Tracking heart rate is one of …


You are increasingly likely to have a wearable — around your neck or on your wrist. You may collect your own data for your own tracking and use.  For those who see a wearable in a health context, they may be disappointed to know that their doctor doesn’t seem to care or know what to do with your heart rhythm data.  But you can gain great benefit from tracking your performance (exercise, heart rate) – competing with yourself, and feeling the satisfaction from any improvement over time.  What are the benefits of wearables today — and in the future?

Measurement matters:

  • Measure your heart rate. Tracking heart rate is one of …

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