Can You Heal Emotional Pain Through Bodywork?


Dear John,

How does one use bodywork to heal from emotional trauma?

Warmly, Dolores

“Trauma resolved is a great gift, returning us to the natural world of ebb and flow, harmony, love, and compassion.” – Peter Levine, PhD, 1997

Dear Dolores,

You ask an important question that comes up a lot in my line of work. Before I respond, first, a few disclaimers: Trauma work can be challenging and, ideally, is done with the support of a qualified professional. My suggestions here are not meant to replace or act as any form of treatment. I offer one perspective and one technique here, but there are many others, so, by all means, use this as a starting point and continue exploring different ways to heal.

Let’s take a look at a mind-body-spirit approach to releasing emotional trauma. This practice is specifically inspired by the modalities of Focusing, Shamanism, Forrest Yoga, and the work of master somatic therapist Peter Levine, PhD, the developer and director of The Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute based in Colorado.

Step 1: Deep Breathing

In order for deep breathing to help you connect with yourself, you must learn to get the inhale-exhale rhythm moving completely th…


Dear John,

How does one use bodywork to heal from emotional trauma?

Warmly, Dolores

“Trauma resolved is a great gift, returning us to the natural world of ebb and flow, harmony, love, and compassion.” – Peter Levine, PhD, 1997

Dear Dolores,

You ask an important question that comes up a lot in my line of work. Before I respond, first, a few disclaimers: Trauma work can be challenging and, ideally, is done with the support of a qualified professional. My suggestions here are not meant to replace or act as any form of treatment. I offer one perspective and one technique here, but there are many others, so, by all means, use this as a starting point and continue exploring different ways to heal.

Let’s take a look at a mind-body-spirit approach to releasing emotional trauma. This practice is specifically inspired by the modalities of Focusing, Shamanism, Forrest Yoga, and the work of master somatic therapist Peter Levine, PhD, the developer and director of The Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute based in Colorado.

Step 1: Deep Breathing

In order for deep breathing to help you connect with yourself, you must learn to get the inhale-exhale rhythm moving completely th…

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