Did you miss one? March blogs lament deteriorating user experience

Source https://www.ageinplacetech.com/blog/did-you-miss-one-march-blogs-lament-deteriorating-user-experiences

The decline of design.  As interviews proceed for the upcoming report, The Future of the Tech User Experience, all agree.  The deteriorating user experience, aka UX, is the result of fragmentation across multiple devices, portals, and websites. Product development has superseded UX. The pre-development focus group has been largely abandoned in favor of a post release <a href="https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-07/apple-delays-work-on-ios-18-macos-15-watchos-11-due-to-problems-with-bugs?embedd…

Source https://www.ageinplacetech.com/blog/did-you-miss-one-march-blogs-lament-deteriorating-user-experiences

The decline of design.  As interviews proceed for the upcoming report, The Future of the Tech User Experience, all agree.  The deteriorating user experience, aka UX, is the result of fragmentation across multiple devices, portals, and websites. Product development has superseded UX. The pre-development focus group has been largely abandoned in favor of a post release <a href="https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-07/apple-delays-work-on-ios-18-macos-15-watchos-11-due-to-problems-with-bugs?embedd…

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