Even Low Levels of Infection Can Cause Cardiac Dysfunction in Older Individuals

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2019/08/even-low-levels-of-infection-can-cause-cardiac-dysfunction-in-older-individuals/

Researchers here suggest that infection plays an important role in cardiovascular disease in later life, and that the chronic inflammation of aging is a factor in allowing infection to cause significant harm to the heart. This is one of countless issues that could be mitigated through rejuvenation of the aging immune system, fixing the underlying issues that cause the immune system to become less functional and more inflammatory. These include atrophy of the …

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2019/08/even-low-levels-of-infection-can-cause-cardiac-dysfunction-in-older-individuals/

Researchers here suggest that infection plays an important role in cardiovascular disease in later life, and that the chronic inflammation of aging is a factor in allowing infection to cause significant harm to the heart. This is one of countless issues that could be mitigated through rejuvenation of the aging immune system, fixing the underlying issues that cause the immune system to become less functional and more inflammatory. These include atrophy of the …

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