Exercise and Alternative Mechanisms of Telomerase

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2023/04/exercise-and-alternative-mechanisms-of-telomerase/

Evolution tends towards reuse of component parts, and as a result no gene has just one function. Telomerase in particular is involved in far more than just extending telomeres, the caps that the ends of chromosomes that are reduced with each cell division. In humans, stem cells express telomerase to maintain long telomeres, while all other cells can replicate only a limited number of times. What are the other functions of telomerase? As first noted some years ago, telomerase may be protective of mitochondrial function, and the paper here lists a few other interesting line items as well: <a…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2023/04/exercise-and-alternative-mechanisms-of-telomerase/

Evolution tends towards reuse of component parts, and as a result no gene has just one function. Telomerase in particular is involved in far more than just extending telomeres, the caps that the ends of chromosomes that are reduced with each cell division. In humans, stem cells express telomerase to maintain long telomeres, while all other cells can replicate only a limited number of times. What are the other functions of telomerase? As first noted some years ago, telomerase may be protective of mitochondrial function, and the paper here lists a few other interesting line items as well: <a…

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