Food for Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails


Your best bet for having smooth, supple skin, lustrous hair and strong nails does not come in a bottle from the beauty counter.  It can be found in your kitchen and involves the food you put in your body.  The foods you consume on a regular basis can offer the building blocks needed for strong skin, hair and nails.

Protein:  Proteins are the building blocks of hair, skin and nails. Without enough protein, your hair may begin to fall out and your nails can turn brittle.  Foods containing the amino acid cysteine are especially important because cysteine is important in the production of Keratin.  Keratin makes up the outer layer of skin and is important in hair and nail growth.  While all proteins are important, foods rich in cysteine include red pepper, pork, broccoli, soy beans, sunflower seeds, eggs, fish and wheat germ.  Shoot for a palm sized serving of protein with all meals.

Omega-3 fatty Acids:  The typical American diet is plague by a major imbalance in the consumption of Omega 3 vs Omega 6 fatty acids.  Omega 3s are considered anti-inflammatory while Omega 6’s can be inflammatory for the body.  Increasing your consumption of Omega 3s has been shown to reduce acne, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.  Omega 3s are also important for the health of your skins cells membranes which acts as a barrier to harmful substances and helps you cells to hold moisture.  Foods high in Omega 3s include salmon, pastur…


Your best bet for having smooth, supple skin, lustrous hair and strong nails does not come in a bottle from the beauty counter.  It can be found in your kitchen and involves the food you put in your body.  The foods you consume on a regular basis can offer the building blocks needed for strong skin, hair and nails.

Protein:  Proteins are the building blocks of hair, skin and nails. Without enough protein, your hair may begin to fall out and your nails can turn brittle.  Foods containing the amino acid cysteine are especially important because cysteine is important in the production of Keratin.  Keratin makes up the outer layer of skin and is important in hair and nail growth.  While all proteins are important, foods rich in cysteine include red pepper, pork, broccoli, soy beans, sunflower seeds, eggs, fish and wheat germ.  Shoot for a palm sized serving of protein with all meals.

Omega-3 fatty Acids:  The typical American diet is plague by a major imbalance in the consumption of Omega 3 vs Omega 6 fatty acids.  Omega 3s are considered anti-inflammatory while Omega 6’s can be inflammatory for the body.  Increasing your consumption of Omega 3s has been shown to reduce acne, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.  Omega 3s are also important for the health of your skins cells membranes which acts as a barrier to harmful substances and helps you cells to hold moisture.  Foods high in Omega 3s include salmon, pastur…

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